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Q: How will eating excess amounts of carbohydrates affect health?
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Excess carbohydrates, including sugar, will be stored as fat in the human body. The most effective types of food to help build muscle are those with ample amounts of protein.

Excess carbohydrates are stored in humans as?

Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat.

What stores carbohydrates in animals?

Excess carbohydrates are stored as fat.

What happen from a excess of carbohydrates?

diseases that caused by the excess of carbohydrate

Why do carbohydrates make you put on weight when eaten in excess?

Anything eating in excess will make you put on weight. Food is energy, and whatever you don't use up your body will try to store as fat instead.

What excess carbohydrates turn into?


Will eating carbohydrates add weight to the body?

Yes. Carbohydrates is basically another word for energy. Your body needs them. However, if you eat more than you're burning off then the excess energy will be stored as body fat.

How does a carbohydrate affect the metabolism?

Carbohydrates affect metabolism in the following way. When eaten in a sensible portion, they aim to break down to only give energy. When eaten excessively, they can give excess fat.

What happens to excess carbohydrates?

all excess carbohydrate turn into fat or are converted into glucose

What form are excess carbohydrates stored as in animals?

Excess carbs and calories are stored as fat.

The time the body takes to change carbohydrates into fat?

When you intake excess carbohydrates than you required it is turned to fat. Not only carbohydrates, proteins will also turns to fat if taken in excess. But there are times when carbohydrates won't change to fat. These are post workout meal and breakfast.

What is the carbohydrate used to store excess sugar in the liver?

Excess calories no matter what they originate from will be stored as fat.Please remember carbs as such are not the enemy:They give you energyThey help burn fat rather than muscle, andThey provide much needed fibreTo ensure that you are eating the right carbs, please keep to eating wholegrains rather than white foods such as white bread, pasta rice etc...Also, eating proteins and carbohydrates together will help slow down the release of food so that you feel fuller for longer.