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You would have to call the court house for legal papers on terminating parental rights.

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Q: How would a non-custodial parent of a minor child in the state of Michigan sign off rights to their child?
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Does the noncustodial parent give up legal rights to a child if he has had nothing to do with the child since birth and pays no child support?

at times yes but usually if the noncustodial parent does want to see the child they will be denied visitation rights and not be allowed to see the child

How much trouble would the noncustodial parent get in for keeping their child without consent of court or the custodial parent if said child wishes to stay with the noncustodial parent?

If the noncustodial parent tries to keep the child, the custodial parent can get the noncustodial parent charged with kidnapping and contempt of court both can be jail time for the noncustodial.

What age can a child choose to live with noncustodial parent in if both parents live in Michigan?

In Michigan, there is no specific age at which a child can choose which parent to live with. However, the court may consider the child's preferences if they are deemed old enough and mature enough to make a reasonable decision. Ultimately, the court will make custody decisions based on the child's best interests.

Can noncustodial parent claim 1 child if divorce with 2 child?

can noncustodial parent parent claim 1 child if divorce with 2 kids

What is a non-custodial parent application for?

In American legalese, a noncustodial parent is the non-resident parent who has not been granted care of the child(ren).

Is the noncustodial parent of a juvenile who has been incarcerated responsible to the custodial parent for child support during that period of time?

i am a custodial parent in Michigan. I've been to court to fight it, but unfortunately it is law that if the noncustodial parent is incarcerated they do not owe child support for the time that they are locked up. but if they owe back child support then you can seize anything they own.

Can non custodial parent lose child Mother get remarried does noncustodial parent lose their child?

No. If you have been determined to be the child's biological father you and the mother will have equal parental rights if you remarry.

Can a child sue custodial parent if noncustodial parent does not pay child support?


If the noncustodial parent does not pay child support to the parent that has custody does the parent have to let them know when the travel outside the state in which they live in?

Not as long as it doesn't interfere with the access rights.

Can a noncustodial parent take a child out of the state of Ohio to the state of Michigan and be legally granted full custody of a child without the custodial parent being notified?

No, and you would be breaking a ton of laws as you have to get custody rights first, and have the other parent either stripped of their rights or they have denounced their rights. Otherwise, a judge is definitely going to send you to jail for kidnapping and will just as likely deny any appeal for custody.

What age can a child refuse visitation with a noncustodial parent in Washington State?

if the child doesn't want to see the noncustodial parent he doesn't have too. don't force him to do it =)

If a child is 18 and moves in with noncustodial parent does the custodial parent have to provide child support?

Generally, no.