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The veterinarian would induce anesthesia then carefully cut away part of the shell to perform surgery on the underlying tissue, much as a human surgeon performs brain surgery by removing a section of the skull. At the end of the surgery, the veterinarian will put the shell back together.

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Q: How would a vet operate on a turtle with a shell?
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What should you do if your painted turtle has a soft under shell?

You should take it to the vet because a soft shell is a sign of shell rot and needs to be treated or the animal will die. But give the shell about a week and see if it is hard and if not then take ur turtle to the vet

We found a turtle with a craked shell ....How much does it cost for a vet to see a turtle?

Well a cheek up would be about 100$ dollars and if you want the vet to heal your turtle that would be twice as much!! Very exspensive I now!! But if you don't want to pay that much then look online for instructions about "what to do if your turtle has a brocken shell" it's very simple,and another suggestion would be to ask a vet online(for free)it might be a bit hard to find these thing but it's worth it,after all you are saving a life:)

Is a turtles shell supposed to crack and flakes off?

If your turtle's shell is squishy, it probably has shell rot. Shell rot is caused by unclean water, lack of vitamins, or it could be caused by an infected cut. If a large area of your turtle's shell is squishy, take it to a vet. If it's mild, Try soaking it in Zoo Med Turtle Sulfa Dip according to the instructions on the packaging. I would also apply Tetrafauna Turtle Vitashell to the afflicted area. If your turtle is like my oldest, it may be prone to infection, in which case you must be extra cautious. Make sure your turtle has an area out of water to bask in and lamps that provide both UVA and UVB rays, this will prevent shell rot. Also make sure it has the right diet (calcium in the diet is used to strengthen the shell, and bones) and clean it's tank regularly. Good luck with your turtle!

What does it mean when the bottom of the turtle shell has some pink on it?

If there is a bump on the plastron, belly, of a turtle then it could be the concave part of a males shell and that would be the natural shape but it's hard to say anything unless the breed, gender, and age is specified. Also a picture would help. There could be some thing seriously wrong with your turtle so you should take him to a reptile vet.

What can you do if the fringe part of a baby red-eared slider's shell is coming off in places or is loose?

Take it out of the water immediatley it could be developing soft shell disease. If your turtle becomes faint go to a vet fast or it the end of the road for your turtle:(

Can a turtle shell repair itself after being broken?

Turtles have a slow metabolism so if it is a large wound, the turtle may not recover. Small holes and cracks in the shell can heal but the shell will always carry the scar. Treat the wound as you would any other wound. Clean it with an antibiotic and keep it dry until it seals over. One thing to bear in mind is that turtles pump air into and out of their lungs by flexing the muscles at the openings of their shell. If the hole lets the air leak into the shell, the turtle will suffocate because it will cause the lungs to collapse. An air-tight patch over the hole might work but you would need to remove the air that already leaked in. That is a job for a vet.

What should you do if your turtle has a rip between its shell and skin?

take it to a vet right away,try to keep it motionless.hurry this injury could become infected.

Would it hurt your turtle if you put a small hole near the edge of her shell to attach a lead so you can take her outside more often?

I'm no turtle expert, but I wouldn't. Their shell is a bone, which is attached to their ribs. You could try a collar and leash. I have two turtles, a red eared slider and a box turtle, and I take a piece of fabric, tie it tightly (not too tightly) around their shell, put a hole in that, and attach a small leash. A lot of people do it, but make sure it's okay with your vet before you put a hole in the shell (if you still want to).

How can you help a turtle who's cracked its shell and is bleeding?

Okay 1) There isn't much you can do, the shell is PART of its body so if the shell is cracked, you're pretty much screwed. 2) LOOK HERE! : If you want to really help, go to the vet and bring all the broken shell pieces with you AS FAST AS POSSIBLE or the turtle will die. The vet will probably put some medicine and stuff on it and try to bandage it up. After that, it should be find, just don't put it in water yet. Keep it in a nice moist tank with plants and stone.

Where can you find a vet for your turtle?

You can find a vet for your turtle at a normal vet but if they don't take care of turtles u can asked them if him/her can find you 1 by Teressa

What is the green stuff on my red eared slider turtle's shell?

We had young red-ear sliders several years ago and the white stuff you see may simply be that your turtle is growing, and shedding old skin. It floats as they swim and could be mistaken for some type of white algae or fungus, I suppose. If the turtle otherwise seems happy and healthy, I would assume that's what it is. Good luck!

Your 3yrs old turtle fell from 1st floor got hurt mouth was bleeding and shell broke?

EMERGANCY! Take to exotic animal vet quickly! Do not waste time!