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Q: How would the south be different without slavery?
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How the south would have been without slavery?

the south have no profits and someone needs to pick the cotton

Why did the south fight for slavery?

The south was afraid that without slavery their economy would die. They were also afraid that the African Americans could out weigh them.

Did the north like slavery?

It was not as accepted in the north, and was not as important in the economy, as for the south, without slavery there economy would fail.

How would American life be different without the 13th Amendment?

there would still be slavery

Why did the north have little or no need for slavery?

the north had little or no need for slavery because of there geography. agriculture did not revolve around slavery. this not saying that slaves could not be used but in this society they are not as excepted in the north as in the south. without slavery, the south's economy would be drastically different. the north already had ajusted to no slavery. people like to stay with status quo.

Why did the South feel like they could secede?

The South was concerned how their way of life would be if Lincoln ended slavery. They couldn't imagine a society without slavery

What was a part of the Crittenden Compromise?

Answer this question… Slavery would be permanently allowed in the South.

How the US would be different today if Lincoln had not taken a strong stand to abolish slavery and bring the south back into the union and why?

The South would have kept their independence. But many countries would have refused to trade with a slave-owning nation, and slavery would have died-out naturally by about 1880.

How did the north and south view slavery?

The north was against slavery, and the south favored it.

Who was most to blame for the slave trade in the 1780's?

Georgia and South Carolina because they were the most resistant in giving slavery up. without slavery, they would lose many exports which would mean less $$$

How would our country would be different if slavery hadn't been abolished Give 2 examples?

if slavery was not abolished we would have slaves. Also we would have to work in other peoples houses and clean without being paid.

Who wanted slavery in the US?

During the 1800s, large plantation owners in the South wanted slavery. They used slave labor to do the work that drove the economy, so they felt that without slavery, they would not be able to remain rich and prosperous.