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Q: How would you do an outline for a lesson about optical illusions?
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Are optical illusions fake or real?

It is in your question already. An illusion will never be real. If it was real then it would be no illusion. Optical illusions are in a way real. They are real optical illusions. We can however not fake an illusion because the illusion is fake from start.

What Dewey number does a book on optical illusions have?

A book on optical illusions would likely fall under the Dewey Decimal Classification number 152.14, as this section covers works on visual perception and visual illusion.

When were optical illusions created?

Optical illusions were first used by the Greeks. They built their temples so that the roof was slanted. This gave the illusion that the temple was actually standing straight. They also made the columns bulge so that from a distance they would look perfectly proportioned. In the course of history, people have encountered illusions in many ways. Many of these illusions appear in very common, everyday experiences.

Does frontal lobe control the optical illusions?

No. That would be a function of the occipital lobes located at the back of the skull.

Why does your mind see optical illusions?

you have to process the picture in you brain to see what it is:)Its actually your brain that causes you to suffer optical illusion. Every image (color, shapes,objects) that your eyes see are processed in your brain before they are reflected back to your vision so it would be brain to eyes as opposed to eyes to brain process.

What are facts about optical illusions?

i need to know this for a science project that im doing, so if you could answer to this person, that would be great!

What is literal optical illusions?

Literal optical illusions can be any illusion so long as it looks either like two things, the opposite of what it actually is. for example: In some images, it looks like the lines are all wonky/crooked, when they are all actually straight!! I hope this helps! Also, you can type 'literal optical illusions' into Google images if you would like some images. P.S. I did try to put two images on but it wouldn't let me, sorry.

Do colors affect optical illusions?

The question is too vague to be meaninful. Some optical illusions INVOLVE color, so for them I suppose the answer would be yes. Others don't, and the answer there might be either no or yes; it's difficult to say without more details.

What happens when a thing from the fourth dimension enters our dimension?

If it was a 4D character (e.g Bill Cipher) it would look odd. If a 3D character entered a four-dimensional space, it would be the world of optical illusions. A 4D character can adapt to the optical illusions, but a 3D character wouldn'tThe third dimension has length, width, height, and depth. The fourth dimension has length, width, height, depth (also illusions), and time. So a fourth-dimensional character (in a third dimension) can control time, so it can stop a computer falling, clouds moving, even a human or animal jumping.

How do you make a sentence with the word illusions?

I had big illusions that it would be my birthday soon.

What was MC Escher subject matter?

MC Escher subject matter was diverse and various. Sometimes it was optical illusions and sometimes it would be a self portraits. He pioneered the concept of tessellation in art.

Does an optical illusions based on color affect someone who is color blind?

It might or might not, depending on the illusion and the type of color blindness. Alternatively, it's possible they might see something, but different from what a trichromat (normally sighted person) would see.