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Say that something like aphids are eaten by ladybirds.
Many people really don't like bugs. They're small, creepy and sometimes really really disgusting but the role they have on earth supports life's very existence. You can never imagine earth as we know it without these tiny creatures. Sure some of them are pests to man but we don't realize that we and bugs have somethings in common. for example we stick together just like ants, we fight what we believe is ours just like many beetles, we disguised ourselves sometimes just like walking sticks, others try to stand out like colorful butterflies, secure our young just like scorpions and some of us are willing to sacrifice our own life for our love ones just like spider and mantis.

Not all insects are pests. Some play vital roles like the Dung Beetles in Africa. It's a very disgusting way of living but somebody has do it. If a farmer is infested by Aphids (they do have the ability to suck juices from stalks and the ability to clone themselves every minute), Lady Bug's are their sworn enemies. The humble Ladybug's whole life is dedicated in devouring these pests even in his "caterpillar" stage. As for Locust swarms... yeah I know they're terrible and absolutely destructive but nobody really can do something about them. Well nature has its ways. We all have to stay together, stick together and live together just like them.

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Q: How would you explain the importance of insects to someone who has bugitis and hates all insects and to a farmer whose crops are devoured by insect pests?
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