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Kittens should not be removed from the mother until they are at least 8 weeks of age.

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13y ago

At least 10 weeks old.

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Q: How young can kitten be before taking from mom cat to new home?
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Is it smart to bring a chihuahuah home when you have 13 week old kitten?

Most of the time yes,if the chihuahua is a puppy and the kitten being so young they should get along fine.

How old does a kitten have to be before you can play with it?

Kittens can go to new homes at about 12 weeks. When its at home it will be attention seeking.

What is the summary of the Story the kitten by Richard Wright?

"The Kitten" by Richard Wright is about a young boy who finds a wounded kitten and brings it home against his father's wishes. The boy cares for the kitten secretly until his father discovers it and allows him to keep it, teaching the boy about love and compassion. It highlights themes of empathy and the bond between humans and animals.

How old does a kitten have to be before its clawed and fixed?

I don't think you can declaw cats anymore. Cats have to be before heat, and can be done at 8 weeks minimum.

What do you do with a young kitten when you want to go out?

I will just take him or her with me, this is the best choice. Or I will hand him or her to my friends till I came back. Pls do not leave him or her alone at home with food only.

What do you do when the mommy cat has ran away from her kittens?

You have to take over, feeding them and providing a home if they are homeless. The pleasure you and your family will get from watching them play together will be more than adequate payment for your care and concern.

Would a dog eat a kitten because you left your dog home alone with a kitten and the kitten is missing and you found blood and hair on the carpet?

no, its just an illusion

Does a zebra build a home or nest?

Neither. They roam across the grasslands, taking their young with them wherever they go.

How do you make a kitten age slowly?

just like humans you cannot control the aging process of cats, they grow at their own pace, although they may be arguably cuter at a young age you will find cats devlop their own unique characteristics and bonds, but the kitten you adopted will always be in your home

How can you help a sick kitten at home?

Suppreme m,y

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If you neuter a charming sociable kitten could he then turn aloof and distant?

No not at all. In fact, if you have a kitten that is on the too frisky side or wild, often the neutering can calm them down. Please phone your vet because the younger you do it (not too young ... the vet will tell you when to bring in your kitten) the easier the operation is on the kitten. When you take the kitten in for neutering please book-off that weekend for at 24 hours to be sure you are home for your kitten. They love to just cuddle up and sleep and feel secure after the operation. Marcy When cats get a little older they tend to become "aloof and distant". Just call him "king kitty", since they all consider themselves to be a member of royalty.