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It depends on the state and his will, if he gives everything to you in his will, or at least the house, then you have no issue at all, but if there are children from a previous relationship and the husband has no will, you might have to buy them out or sell the place if they inherit under the state laws of intestacy. Check with your local laws and make sure you and your husband have wills.

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Q: Husband and wife married for 5 years wife name is not on property deeds what right does the wife has if husband dies?
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Can you safely allow a live-in boyfriend and future husband to co-sign on the refinancing of an existing home equity loan without his having rights to the property at a later date?

In Florida the law states that if it was property titled to you beore marrage it is not part the marital estate. So if he helps finance the property and thenquit deeds his interest in the property tothe future bride to be, when they marry he is still not entitled to the property. If they divorce he is entitled to NOTHING because it was never part of the marital estate. And yes this held up in court for me :) * Yes, as long as the person's name is not on the title and the couple are not married.

You own a mortgage on a property and as a mother you want your daughter to possess it after your death but you have a husband whose name is not onthe deeds can you add your daughters name onthe deeds?

You can have an attorney draft a deed that will convey your property to yourself and your daughter as joint tenants with the right of survivorship. If you died the full ownership of the property would automatically pass to her with no need of probate. She would be responsible for paying any mortgage on the property. If you live in a community property state that may not be so easy. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options under your state laws. You should do this ASAP.

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Lady Macbeth learns of her husband's exploits from Macbeth himself, when he writes her a letter detailing the witches' prophecy and his subsequent actions to become king. She also witnesses his growing ambition and desires for power, which further affirm his deeds.

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If the wife has no interest in the property, meaning that her name was never on title, then she doesn't own it. If she doesn't own it...they cannot take the property away from her. I would reccomend a title search to make sure that she was never on any deeds. Good luck.

Can ex husband listed as survivor on deed keep property of ex wife that died intestate or does it go to next of kin It is not listed in probate?

In this state, the person on the deed gets the property if the husband is listed on the deed and the wife dies intestate. It does not usually even go through probate. That does not mean it never goes through probate. With this court system, anything is possible. It is still extremely unlikely the next of kin will get the property unless the husband is in prison for killing the wife.Another PerspectiveGenerally, if a husband and wife own property as tenants-by-the-entirety, a tenancy reserved for legally married couples, a divorce automatically changes that survivorship tenancy to a tenancy-in-common. In that case, the heirs at law of the EX-wife would inherit only her half-interest in the property. The EX-husband would retain his own one-half interest. If the property was held as joint tenants with the right of survivorship a divorce does not usually have any automatic affect on the joint tenancy and the surviving joint tenant will become the sole owner. In states where joint tenancies aren't affected by a divorce decree, the divorcing parties must break the joint tenancy by executing a new deed that creates a tenancy-in-common.Laws vary in every state on these types of issues. You should consult with an attorney in your state who can review the deeds and the situation and determine the outcome under your state laws.