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Q: Husband mom leaves him and sister her house after her death husband wife wants divorce is she intitled to any of house husband got in calif.?
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Related questions

What does it mean when your husband leaves you for another guy?

It means that ur husband is gay and saying he wants a divorce

If your husband leaves you without a penny in California who should you call?

your husband give him a piece of your mind then your lawyer to get a divorce

If a woman files for a divorce leaves her husband and then comes back home but still want to get a divorce can she still get a divorce?

Yes she can.

If the husband leaves can wife marry again?

The wife must obtain a divorce.

If your father-in-law leaves an inheritence to your husband are you intitled to some?

According to property laws, inheritence is considered separate property which is owned by the heir. A spouse is not entitled to inheritence.

If your sister leaves you money and you put it in a separate account is your husband intitled to a portion of it in NYS?

If YOU are the inheritor of a portion of an estate it does not automatically become community property. It is YOU that was named, not you and your husband. CAUTION: the question states that it is in a separate account - do not inter-mingle these funds with other "household" money or accounts.

How do you tell if your girlfriend loves you even if she has a husband?

if she leaves her husband for you.

How do you not go broke if husband leaves?

Get a job

Do you get help from government when husband leaves?

yes, the wife gets some money from the husband's paycheck. alimony

If a husband leaves everything to his wife in his will and they get divorced but the will does not change does she still get everything?

No. Generally, in the United States, a legal divorce nullifies any provisions made for a spouse in a will that was written prior to the divorce unless the will specifically states it will remain effective in the case of a divorce.

When can i join my husband when he leaves for bootcamp for the navy?

You can see your husband at the earliest during family night in boot camp.

How do you find out if husband is still married?

if he leaves after dinner