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Migraine headaches are often only on one side of the head and for many people the pain is centered around the eye. Cluster headaches are also only on one side and are always centered at the eye.

If you have never had migraines before, and this is your first time experiencing this type of headache, you need to seek medical care. If it is the worst headache of your life, you need emergency care.

For best results, seek out the help of a Migraine and Headache Specialist. These doctors are specially trained in the diagnosis and treatment of headache disorders beyond the scope of neurologists and primary care doctors.

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Might be a stroke. Go to hospital.

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Migraine is caused by the inflammation of the meninges or some cranial nerve and may have affected the optic nerve by infection. It is best to consult a neuro- surgeon or an eye specialist for treatment.

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Q: I've been having migraine headaches only on the left side of my head and my left eye has been hurting a lot because of it as well what could it be?
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Are migraines genetic?

There is evidence that migraines have a genetic component, particularly in certain specific sub-types of migraine (eg, familial hemiplegic migraine). This does not mean, however, that people who do not have a family history of migraine cannot be diagnosed as experiencing migraine headaches.

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Migraine and headache can be present from infancy. No headache or Migraine is "natural" nor is it "normal". See your physician or headache specialist for appropriate diagnosis and treatment of Migraine and headache disorders.

Can you take HCG if you have migraine headaches?

== == Yes, but it may make the migraines worse.

How do I prevent migraine headaches through diet?

Yes, it is possible to prevent migraine headaches through dieting. Having a deficiency in magnesium can trigger headaches. Eating foods containing magnesium, such as almonds, leafy vegetables, grapefruit, salmon, apples, or brown rice (to name a few) all aid in preventing the trigger. Also, eating foods rich in Vitamin E, such as oatmeal, seeds and nuts, or yogurt all help improve circulation, which can help prevent headaches. Lastly, be sure to avoid drinking too much alcohol, artificial sweeteners, or caffeine, as these are common triggers for migraines.

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i don't know why she is limping but she is getting the headaches because daisy is drugging her and offering her drinks with drugs in them.

Does coffee have any nutritional value?

The nutritional value of coffee is ranging from very very little to even less. People drink it mainly due to its content of Caffeine of which is a stimulant. It can also help people having a headache, even ease migraine. Even though it can prove useful to some people regarding migraine and headaches, it can also cause them. Migraine can get worse from coffee. If having drunk coffee for a while, your body will react to the lack of caffeine if you suddenly stop. This reaction can be a headache or even migraine. Nutritional value though... Not anything worth mentioning.

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The video games could be a factor for you having headaches. You will need to see your doctor to get a proper diagnosis.

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If you have had headaches that long of a period I suggest that you go to your doctor to see whats wrong. Because headaches usually go away after awhile and having headaches that long could mean that there might be some serious problems. Or something. So I really suggest you go to your doctor.

Why are you having trouble sleeping and having headaches?

Maybe its because u havent got enough sleep or becuase you r skipping meals. Eat! Sleep!

Is it wrong if you enjoy having your wife give you details about her affair?

If it´s not hurting you, and it´s not hurting her, and it´s not hurting your kids, it´s not bad.

What side effect a topamax drug can cause to the patients having migraine?

Topamax is often used as a migraine preventive. Side effects may include fatigue.

What is optic migrain?

There are two different kinds of migraine which people will refer to as optic migraine. The most common one is also call ocular or acephalgic migraine, ALSO called a silent migraine. This is a migraine where the aura, or vision impairment (along with other symptoms) occurs, but no pain occurs. While it can be great not to feel the pain of the migraine, people who have this type of migraine can be just as disabled, because the aura interrupts their life. It is just as important to seek treatment from a neurologist to treat these migraines, particularly if you are having more than two a month. A second type, not to be confused with ocular migraine, is ophthalmoplegic migraine, which are no longer considered to be migraines - but nerves which control the eyes acting out, causing drooping eyelids, watering eyes, usually on one side of the head.