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Yes, you could be. It does kill your brain cells. And while you may not know it, your not going to be able to think as clearly. You can do without it.

Yeah, your possibly in danger. You are killing brain cells every single time you smell it. Is there anything else that's not dangerous that you like to smell? Like a curtain perfume?

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Q: I Love smell of rubbing alcohol I don't know why all of sudden i crave the smell want to smell it 3 or 4 times a day just for a few seconds It gives me a great calmness when i do Am i in danger?
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What are the possible side effects of inhaling paint fumes?

Inhalation of rubbing alcohol vapors can damage the body's respiratory system, can damage the central nervous system, and can cause death. Even small amounts of alcohol can cause symptoms by irritating or damaging the nose and throat; damaging the nasal passages and respiratory airway; thus causing coughing and chest pain. Some people develop serious difficulty in breathing; this can pose a real danger for those who suffer from asthma, as well as other respiratory problems. It can also cause brain and nerve damage.Prolonged and repeated exposure can cause dizziness even vertigo, headaches, and confusion, loss of time, coordination issues, and numbness in the hands and feet, damage to small blood vessels and nerve endings, heart issues, vision problems even blindness, depression, nausea, vomiting, and memory impairment as it kills brain cells. Breathing in high concentrations of rubbing alcohol has a narcotic effect, causing one to feel high, that "feel good feeling." Exposure to the vapors and the chemicals within, can cause skin and eye irritations.Users say that it causes them to feel an enormous high, a sense of euphoria, feel good, peaceful, serene, calmness, a sense of relaxation and ultimately they feel like they musthave it, therefore they become addicted to it.People who have worked in companies that produced any of the rubbing alcohols, (back before they knew there was a danger) developed sinus and laryngeal cancers; they also developed breathing problems after inhaling the vapors.Occupational Safety, which oversees workplace injuries, says that exposure to rubbing alcohol, regardless of the type, can be very hazardous and is extremely toxic to the central nervous system and to body organs. Rubbing alcohol is exceptionally flammable, posing a fire risk to anyone who uses flammable products around or near it.Pregnant woman who are exposed to rubbing alcohol in any form are not only posing a risk to themselves but to their unborn child. The risk to the fetus is very high because the chemicals from rubbing alcohol can be absorbed though the skin or by inhalation; this exposure can cause serious health risks to the baby. It can cause an abrupt and spontaneous abortion, ending the child's life even before it begins. And it can cause birth defects, such as those seen in fetal alcohol syndrome or the child may be predisposed to developing cancer.

What are the dangers if your toddler sipped rubbing alcohol?

Death is one danger because rubbing alcohol is dangerous to your body so just call poison control ans see what they think but you should not EVEN BE ON THE DAMM INTERNET IF THIS HAPPENS TO YOU take your toddler to the hospital or something call your doctor see what they think because this can cause brain damage, blindness, death, respitory failure and kidney failure but only do that if it happened today if you see know problems with your child then your fine but you should still take him/her to be checked for any problems. Now always be with your child and put these dangerous thing out of reach.