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Your kitten should be fine, but if you see anything strange, take her to the vet immediately.

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Q: I accidentally used flea and tick shampoo on my young kitten she seems to be fine sleeping and breathing normally will it be okay?
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How do you get springtails out of your hair if you feel like you are covered with them and will a lice treatment kill them?

Springtails do not normally infest human hair. A normal washing with regular shampoo should get rid of any that have happened into your hair accidentally.

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It tastes like shampoo. It's like if you're washing your hair in the shower and you accidentally swallow the rinse from your shampoo. Specifically V05.

What is the answer to the herbal essences shampoo question?

Depends on the question. You would normally find the answer on the matching conditioner bottle.

Are eggs an ingredient in shampoo?

Not normally in the ones sold in stores. Eggs don't keep well out of the refrigerator!

What separates body wash from shampoo?

About $3.00 **edit** True haha! Normally, Shampoo doesnt have actual SOAP in it, just mild detergents, and surfactants, as well as conditioning agents. Body wash normally contains soap, surfactant to make it foam, and none of the conditioning agents.

Can you shampoo a seven-week-old puppy?

Yes you can. If you are wanting to get rid of fleas, make sure the shampoo says it is safe for puppies. Normally the shampoo bottle (made for dogs) will give the ages that it is safe for. Make sure to keep the shampoo out of the eyes. Make a ring of shampoo around the neck first to keep the fleas from jumping on the head. You can put a dab of vaseline in the eyes to protect them.

Does washing your hair have anything to do with preventing head lice?

yes because if u wash it with shampoo it normally goes

Is it ok to use shampoo on dog after it gives birth?

as an owner i normally give the dog a bath after 4 weeks if you can get her into the bathtub

Can cornstarch be used as dry shampoo?

no, it will react badly with your hair and create THE WORST HAIR DAY EVER! Just was your hair normally

Why is shampoo a base?

It depends on which shampoo. Different shampoos are designed to have a specific acidity so they don't damage the user's hair. Some shampoos are probably bases, but not all of them are. Shampoos pH vary by brand but normally are around 5-6. Which is slightly acidic but almost neutral.

Are the animals tested the only ones needed?

probably even shampoo says they sometimes use animal testing normally lower brands

Does flea and tick shampoo work on people?

You SHOULD NOT use dog flea and tick shampoo on yourself as it can give you severe headaches dizziness nausea for up to 3 days after use. It can also mess with your breathing as well if you are asthmatic. try dawn soap and HUMAN bug repellent.