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Q: I am being accused of defamation of character and slander. The plaintiff called for my address and became hostile when I stated I did nothing to injure them.What can I do since they are false?
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Related questions

What law is there that can protect you from being falsely accused?

Laws cannot protect someone from being falsely accused. After an accusation has been made, you may be able to sue someone for defamation of character.

What are the antonyms for plaintiff?

Defendant, accused, respondent.

Definition parties to a lawsuit?

The plaintiff is the accuser and the defendant is the accused.

What are the two sides in a private case?

Generally, they are the plaintiff and the accused/defendant.

How many sides does a court case have?

Two, the plaintiff and defendant. The plaintiff is the one that is suing or filed the charges while the defendant is the accused.

If a supervisor accuses an employee of saying somethihing that an employee reported to her and it was untrue yet she assumed it to be correct is that defamation of character?

an incident happened at work where an employee accused another employee of saying she was allowed to do something the others weren't but the accused employee never spoke a word to either the supervisor or the employee who accused her . The accused employee was questioned . Also all other employees were reminded that they were not at liberty to do what the accused said she was allowed to do.

Can you sue if someone falsely accused you of defamation of character?

Your grammar is off, but I think you are asking if someone makes a false statement about your character, can you sue them for defamation? The basic answer is yes, but it of course depends on many factors. If you feel you have been defamed, you should seek the advice of a lawyer. However, I will tell you that you cant sue someone for defamation if the statement they made about you was either true or just their opinion. In addition, mere name calling does not suffice either. Finally, the statement must be made to a third party.

What is the difference between the plaintiff and the defendant?

The plaintiff is the party who brings a case against another in court, seeking a legal remedy. The defendant is the party who is being sued or accused of wrongdoing by the plaintiff and must respond to the claims made against them.

Can a company be sued for spreading rumors about an employee stealing without proof?

Yes it's called - defamation of character Yes a company and the individual speading the rumors can be sued by the individual who is being accused of stealing. It's call defamation of character.

Does the seventh amendment give people accused of crimes the right to have an attorney?

Both plaintiff and defendant get attorneys even if they cant pay for them

What is a plaintive?

The word plaintive is an adjective,meaning sad, or mournful, or sounding that way.The similar word plaintiff is the person (or legal entity) who goes to court in a civil legal proceeding seeking redress or damages. The person accused by the plaintiff is the defendant.

Who was the plaintiff in the 'To Kill a Mockingbird' trial?

The plaintiff in the 'To Kill a Mockingbird' trial was Mayella Ewell, the young woman who accused Tom Robinson, a Black man, of rape.