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Yes, it is. Normally around the three month mark.

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Q: I have been non stop in the mood for a couple days and its not normal for me. Is being in the mood to have sex all the time a pregnancy symptom?
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Is it normal to have purple niples while being pregnant?

Yes it is normal, especially later in pregnancy.

Are cramps tightening of the stomach heartburn headaches and strong emotions symptoms of pregnancy?

They were symptoms of my pregnancy, but just because you're experiencing these symptoms does not mean that you are pregnant. They can also be symptoms of being overly stressed which can also affect your period. Well heartburn is definatley a symptom of pregnancy. As you do not get heartburn from stress! Actually all those symptoms are a symptom of pregnancy.

Is breaking out around your neck and chest part of being pregnant?

It is not a symptom of pregnancy. Although it is not uncommon during pregnancy though. Try using an anti-breakout acne-wash to help.

Is a symptom of being pregnant is tender nipples?

Yes.Tender breasts and nipples is one of the first signs of pregnancy many women notice after they conceive.

You usually get cramps and breast soreness a week before you get your periodhowever this time you got them after being a couple days late Is that also a pregnancy symptom Is it too early 2 take a test?

That in fact is a symptom of pregnancy, I had that same symptom when I was pregnant. I had breast tenderness which I thought I was just dehydrated and I was drinking too much caffeine because that can cause breast tenderness in females but in fact I was pregnant. I got morning, well I'd call all day, sickness starting at my 5th week. So go get checked out at your local doctor and it is not too early to test.

What is an early pregnancy symptom?

There are quite a few: Headaches Feeling sick/actually being sick Exhausted Tender/sore breasts Moody/emotional

Is thigh pain a sign of pregnancy?

I have never heard of it being a sign of pregnancy. But all women are different. It is very unlikely to be a symptom though. But that being said if u have had unprotected sex and you have other signs of being pregnant or think that your thigh pain could be a sign, then take a hpt.

Is sweet smelling CM during the two week wait a sign of early pregnancy?

Hello there - A increase in CM is a sign of pregnancy along with all the other pregnancy symptoms. I have never heard of sweet smelling CM being a symptom of pregnancy. Good luck TTC. :o)

Is having constant hiccups feeling constantly tired and sick and getting easily upset signs of pregnancy within the first couple weeks or so?

I never heard of hiccups as being a symptom of pregnancy but the others that you listed are in fact symptoms of pregnancy I would suggest that you take an at home test or make an appointment with your doctor to have a blood test done to see what is going on and you can get whatever medical care you need Good Luck and God Bless!

Is it possible for you to have a full menstruation during a pregnancy?

It is very rare, but women can menstruate during pregnancy. It is right at the onset of a pregnancy and usually coincides with the woman being very close to her normal cycle.

What if your between 4 and 5 week the last couple days have lost all sensitivity to breasts and no frequent urination could you have lost baby with no cramping and bleeding just lost pregnancy symptom?

You could just be getting use to being pregnant. Talk to your doctor immedieatly in case you might lose the baby.

Does anyone know what being Pregnant in the tubes means. And if so what are the signs of it.?

It is also called an ectopic pregnancy. It is where the fertilised egg implants itself in the fallopian tubes rather than in the womb. I'm afraid the only symptom I know is morning sickness very early on (about 2 weeks after conception), however this can also be a symptom of any other pregnancy.