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Yes you will lose weight. But just not drinking soda will not have you on some miracle diet. There are many harmful ingredients in soda for your body, removing the intake will help you lose weight. More important is of course exercise. Drinking 64 to 72 ounces of water and burning calories away with exercise and you wont need to stop drinking soda.

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Q: I have drank sodas all your life will you lose weight if I stop drinking sodas I'm 180lbs and 5'10?
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What happened to the boy who drank 8 sodas?

HE BURPED SEVEN UP ..........................LaMe

What happened to the boy who drank eight sodas?

He burped his head off and died of course.

Why do i put weight on when I'm eating nothing?

You really shouldn't be. Then again liquids can have plenty of calories too. Eating little but drinking sodas for instance could let you gain weight for instance.

What foods slow down metabolism?

Sugary foods: cakes, candies, cookies, sodas White breads Fried foods Processed foods. Also not drinking enough water can cause you to have a slow metabolism. Drinking diet sodas is not the same as drinking water. Diet drinks will cause you to retain water and thus making you gain weight. Water will help you to flush all that out.

Does dark soda cause acne?

yes dark soda such as pepsi, coke, and root beer cause acne. how? the carmel colering in the soda has a negative reaction to the skin when drank

How can you prevent students from drinking so many sodas?

ban soda

How does not drinking carbonated soda help you lose weight?

because apart from the fizz sodas typically also contains a lot of sugar. Sugar means calories, and to lose weight you don't want too many of those.

How much weight can you lose not drinking soda?

How much weight you can lose by not drinking soda depends on how much you drink per day. If you drink two large sodas a day and give them up, you can lose 62 pounds in just one year. If you drink more, you will lose even more.

What can you all drank while on a dite?

On a *diet you can drink diet sodas, water, coffee (with little to no sugar and cream), and tea.

Why can drinking to many sodas cause urine to be bright yellow?

Because soda dehydrates you

Can dizziness be caused by diet sodas?

Yes and if this is all that you are drinking and not eating it will make you dizzy.

It there any scientific evidence between the connection of drinking Diet Coke and weight gain?

Some scientific studies have shown that there is a connection between drinking diet sodas and gaining weight. However, many other studies have shown that there is no correlation. Also, many of the studies that "prove" a correlation are animal studies and have not been continued on humans.