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Sometimes when you change hormonal contraceptives your body reacts differently and sometimes heavy bleeding is a side effect of this change in hormone levels. Unless you have missed pills, or had a positive pregnancy test I think it is just breakthrough bleeding. The thick red blood could just be your uterine lining shedding heavily as it does every month but since your change in hormone levels this could cause it to shed heavily. Call a doc and see if you can't resolve the issue. I am sorry you have been going through this but often times with hormonal contraceptives you can switch to one that agrees with your body. Good Luck. IF YOU ARE BLEEDING THAT MUCH YOU NEED TO SEE YOUR DR. RIGHT AWAY! YOU SHOULD NOT BE BLEEDING THAT MUCH EVEN IF YOU ARE MISSCARRYING

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Q: I have had heavy bleeding with thick red blood and bad cramps for 3 weeks after changing from the combined mini pill over one month ago is this a miscarriage?
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Could a woman be pregnant if she expierences bleeding and severe cramps not like normal period cramps?

Yes she can be pregnant, and if she is pregnant and is bleeding she is at risk of a miscarriage, and should see a doctor immediately.

How do you know you miscarriage a baby?

Bleeding heavily, your pee can go from a darker yellow to a lighter yellow, random cramps. The cramps can be identified as menstrual cramps but some sharp pains.

Are there multiple blood clots in a miscarriage?

Yes. Accomponied by heavy bleeding and menstrual like cramps. Go to an emergency room

What is the color of blood after a miscarriage?

* The most common and clear symptom of a miscarriage is vaginal bleeding associated with or without pain. The blood color can range from brown to bright red and could be accompanied by cramps. Bleeding could be in the form of mild spotting, persistent bleeding, heavy bleeding and passage of large clots.

At eight weeks I experienced mild cramps but heavy bleeding with clots.Did I have a miscarriage?

Only your doctor after doing an ultrasound can tell for sure.

If you have a miscarriage what's the least amount of time of pregnancy before you would need to go to a doctor for him to clean you out?

I am sorry to hear of your loss. It is not really an amount of time, but how complete the miscarriage is. The earlier the miscarriage the more likely it is to be complete. If you lose what appears to be a complete sac and the bleeding and cramps are no worse than a period then you can deal with this at home. If bleeding and/or cramps are severe either go to the doctor or to the emergency department of a hospital.

If there had been light bleeding and then a horrible pain that hurt so much you couldn't stand and blood clots Does that mean you had a miscarriage?

No. If you feel the need, go to your local doctor and have them do a pelvic exam. Severe cramps with blood clots may indicate many things, including a miscarriage. The cramps could also just be cramps.

Can you still have cramps and bleeding when pregnant?

Yes you can bleed when you are pregnant and get cramps whilst pregnant because all the hormones are changing for you and the baby. Hipprocker x

How you can be sure that you are miscarrying if you had a bleeding for 2-3 hours and then some brown discharge next week for 2-3 days . you also have cramps gas sore breast can u say u may be misc?

during a miscarriage u experience heavy bleeding, the blood must be red with clots, also u experience pain or cramps under your stomach feels like menstrual cramps, pain in ur back and waist. See ur doctor regargdless if u think its not a miscarriage u can never be sure, any bleeding u experience what so ever it may not be a miscarriage but bleeding is generally not good

Is it possible for the cramps to become a lot less painful right after the miscarriage?

Once you have passed all of the "contents of pregnancy" the bleeding may subside and the cramps lessen. Everyone is different. Your body is going through a lot during a miscarriage and the cramping is the uterus contracting to empty, so as time goes on the cramps should lighten. Hello - It is possible yes. I am very sorry about your miscarriage. See your Doctor to make certain the Foetus has been expelled.

Is it possible to bleed because of a miscarriage?

It can be a sign of a miscarriage or it can just be "normal" bleeding. If you are bleeding, you should see a doctor as soon as possible. With a miscarriage the bleeding is usually "chunky" and you have cramps, but not always. It could be a sign of miscarriage if its heavy bleeding like a period i had a miscarriage 2 months ago and mine started out with mild cramps then i started to sopt brown and then i was bleeding like a normal period and a few hours later the cramps got really bad talk to your doctor about this. Dont worry to much over it some women do spot when they are pregnant. Good Luck!