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And which poets would those be, dear? And would you like me to post the answer or email it directly to your teacher? and, as you said, "Why?"

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Q: I need help asap school is almost over Did the poets whose work you examined rely more on logical or emotional appeals Which poem and language affected you most and Why?
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Can the rhetoric appeals such as logos and pathos be used together?

Emotional appeals

What is the difference between emotional and logical appeal?

Emotional appeals have to do with your feelings. Logical appeals have to do with facts, references... stuff like that.

Descriptive language is language that does what to senses?

Appeals. Descriptive language appeals to the senses

Descriptive language is language that does what to the senses?

Descriptive language uses vivid words and details to create imagery that engages the senses of sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch in order to paint a picture or evoke an emotional response in the reader.

In rhetoric pathos refers to?

Pathos is a theme or reference that appeals to the audience's emotions.

What are the different kinds of emotional appeals?

if you are stress in your work!

What is language that appeals to the senses?

Language that appeals to the senses is called "sensory language." It is used to evoke sensory experiences such as sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch in the reader or listener. Sensory language helps create vivid imagery and bring a more immersive experience to the description.

Are emotional appeals a powerful motivator in persuasive speeches?


Why is it important to identify the emotional elements using persuasion in an oped piece?

Because writers or speakers who are skilled at using appeals to emotions can make up for flaws in their logical argument with emotional appeals

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Which criterion for briefings is met by avoiding emotional appeals?

it must be objective

What are some emotional appeals you can use?

many organization have offered recomendations.