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Unexplained changes in personality can be due to life changes such as death of a partner, moving into new living situations, loss or change of job, finishing a "life project" such as a degree and feeling awkward about moving on, and so forth.

They can also be a sign of a developing emotional dysfunction, or physical issues such as developing Diabetes, etc.

Clearly this is causing you a lot of concern. We suggest a complete physical to rule out any medical problems. At that point, if you do not feel more confident, a few visits to a therapist might be in order.

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There could be various reasons for this shift in behavior, such as increased stress or anxiety, changes in personal circumstances, or a lack of practice in social interactions. It may be helpful to reflect on these potential factors and consider seeking support from a counselor or therapist to better understand and address the underlying causes. Additionally, gradually exposing yourself to social situations and practicing communication skills could also help in regaining comfort and confidence in conversing with others.

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Q: I used to be a comfortably social person meeting new people frequently However for about a year now I have inexplainably became more quiet and awkward during conversation How could this be?
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He looks at me a lot and he knows I notice and he wont look away but he wont talk to you does the mean he likes me because I like him too?

It's possible that he likes you if he frequently looks at you and maintains eye contact. However, the lack of verbal communication makes it hard to determine his intentions definitively. Consider initiating a conversation to gauge his interest and see where it leads.

Is it normal to look people straight in the eyes throughout your whole conversation?

It can be normal in some cultures or situations to maintain eye contact during a conversation as it shows attentiveness and respect. However, it's also important to be mindful of cultural norms and individual preferences, as some people may find prolonged eye contact uncomfortable or intimidating. It's best to find a balance between maintaining eye contact and allowing natural breaks during the conversation.

Does a guy like you if he smile and looks at you every time he sees you?

Smiling and looking at you frequently could be a sign that he likes you. However, it's important to consider other factors like how he treats you, if he engages in conversation, and if he shows interest in your life to accurately determine if he likes you.

What does it mean if a woman cross her legs towards you?

Crossing her legs towards you could indicate that she is interested in engaging with you and is trying to show openness and attentiveness in the conversation. However, body language can vary between individuals, so it's best to consider other cues to accurately interpret her intentions.

What does it mean if a guy smiles at you in the hallway and looks down?

This could indicate that he is shy or nervous but still interested in you. Looking down can sometimes be a sign of humility or uncertainty. If you're interested in him as well, try smiling back or initiating a conversation to see how he responds.

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