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how does yawing provice the body mopre oxygen

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Q: I was told yawning can mean you need more oxygen in your blood?
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Why do you yahn?

When a person is bored or tired, they tend not to breath as deeply as usual, thus, less oxygen is received. Yawning helps to bring more oxygen into the blood and move more carbon dioxide out of the blood.

What does your body do when you need more oxygen in your system?

When oxygen sensors in the brainstem are triggered by low levels of oxygen in the bloodstream, yawning tends to ensue. Yawning is the body's way of increasing oxygen intake, involuntarily, naturally.

Does yawning mean your tired?

Yes , when you yawn you take a slow and deep breath that brings more oxygen to the brain. the oxygen gives your brain cells a little wake up call.

Why does yawning beget more yawning?

becaue when you see soeone yawn it makes ur brain think u need 2 yawn. or yawning is due to the fact you are breathing slower and not taking in enough oxygen

Why does a person yawn when they are tired?

As per the theory of yawning, when the person gets tired or bored, the amount of carbon di oxide in the body of person increases and oxygen level decreases. This leads to low blood flow to the heart and brain, so to increase the oxygen level the person yawns. In the process of yawning more amount of carbon di oxide goes out of the body and the body can take more amount of oxygen

Why do I keeping yawning and or taking a breath?

You breath in oxygen for your blood to take to your brain so you can think. If you run low on air you become tired and yawn so you get more air to your brain.

Why do people yawn?

As we all know, when we get tiered we can become sleepy, groggy, grouchy, and even down right mean! But did you know that yawning is not just a symptom of being tired, but could be a sign of something much much more serious... yawning is a symptom of a lack of oxygen to your body. That’s right, a lack of oxygen can result in low 02 levels in your blood and that can cause a variety of problems which include sleepiness and yawning not to mention other more serious conditions in the respiratory system. So if you happen to have a pulse-ox (the little thingy that they put on your finger at the hospital), try using it the next time you find yourself yawning in excess.Musicdad.

Why can't you stop yawning?

You can't stop yawning because when you yawn your body is trying to get more oxygen into you body to try and stay awake. If you are yawning constantly your body is trying to keep you awake, the longer you stay awake, the more you will yawn.

Whenever we feel drowsy or sleepy, we start yawning. Does yawning help us in any way?

When we are sleepy or feel drowsy, we yawn because our brain cells lack sufficient amount of oxygen. The deep breath associated with yawning helps us to drawn in more oxygen and supply the much needed oxygen to the tired body organs including the brain

When you yawn does it mean your tired?

Yawning is just the brain's way of getting oxygen when it doesn't have enough. This happens more often when you're sleepy, most likely because you're breathing is a little more depressed.

I yawn more than enough what does that mean?

Yawning is the body's tendency to get oxygen as fast as possible if your breathing does not supply your body enough. If you yawn too much, it means you are not getting enough oxygen through inhaling. Better consult a doctor for that. (:

Why do you yawn when you are sleepy?

You yawn when you are sleepy because that is when you take in the least oxygen. Your body takes in more oxygen when you are yawning, which explains the reason to why you take in air when you yawn.