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Austria (before WWII) Czechoslovakia (before WWII) Memel (before WWII) Albania (after collapse of Italy) Algeria (part, then a French colony) Belarus (White Russia, Part of USSR) Belgium Bulgaria (nominally an ally) Danzig Denmark Egypt (very small part, then a British protectorate) Estonia (part of USSR) France Greece Hungary (nominally an ally) Italy (Northern Italy after Italian surrender in 1943) Latvia (part of USSR) Libya (nominally an Italian colony) Lithuania (part of USSR) Luxembourg Moldova (then part of Romania) The Netherlands Norway Poland Romania (nominally an ally) Russia (Portion, part of USSR) Soviet Union (Portions, see notes elsewhere) Tunisia (then a French colony) Ukraine (part of USSR) Yugoslavia (including what is now Bosnia, Croatia, Kosovo, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, and Slovenia)

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Q: Identify the countries overrun by Germany?
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Countries overrun in blitzkrieg by Germany?

All the west countries and Part of East and Russia

What was the turning point of the blitz?

If you mean when Germany stopped invading countries, it was when he had overrun Europe already, and had nowhere else to go but England.

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France was overrun by Germany which was one of the Axis Powers

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not 100 percent sure. but any country in Europe that was overrun by Germany & axis forces that had been deemed ravaged.

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Blitzkrieg Blitzkrieg

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This just refers to the fact that at the time of the Battle of Britain, all other European countries had been overrun by Nazi Germany. The USA was still neutral so Britain was standing alone against a formidable enemy.

What year did Poland fight Germany?

In September of 1939, Poland was overrun by the German Army in three weeks.

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Did Germany get nuclear bombs in World War 2?

Germany was developing an atomic bomb during World War II but the country was overrun by the Allies before the bomb could be perfected.

Who did Nazi Germany invade to trigger WW II?

Poland was invaded and overrun in a sneak attack, which brought England, her ally, into the war.

What are some areas or countries that have been attcked by Germany?

what were the countries that were attacked by Germany

Which countries in Germany are mostly plains?

Germany is one country, and does not have any countries in it.