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If you are talking about Lucifer (now known as Satan), then I can answer that. Lucifer was once the greatest angel, the position called archangel and was also known as the "Angel of Light". Now God permits free will, because if He did not, our obedience to Him would be meaningless. He wants us to love Him, and through our love to obey Him. Since God will not interfere in free will, Lucifer became greedy and power-hungry over the worship God was getting and desired it for himself. God is a perfect being, so He will not satisfy our sinful desires, and when Lucifer revolted, God kicked him and the angels who followed him out (about 1/3 of the entire angel population). So it is because God is a good and just ruler that He kicked the devil out. God can only satisfy His subjects if we are willing to follow and obey Him. Satan is not all-knowing (nor is he all-powerful or omnipresent, as God is), so he did NOT know that he would lose NOR does he know what will happen in the end times (unless he has seen Revelations, which I don't think he can stand The Bible so I doubt he knows anything that is going to happen)

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Q: If God is a just and good ruler able to satisfy the desires of His subjects why would a prominent angel reveal against Him knowing that in time it would cost him his life?
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