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No, because then Germany would have many other http://military.answers.comilitaryofficials ready to take Hitler's place.

This depends on many factors, including when the assassination of Hitler takes place. If the assassination takes place before Hitler was able to unify the country, the country may not politically have been able to agree on a way to mobilize the country, nor join with Austria. Without a strong Germany, Russia would have been far less hesitant in assimilating adjoining countries such as Poland.

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Q: If Hitler was assassinated would the Russians have taken over?
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What would have happened if Adolf Hitler had been assassinated?

He would have been dead

What if Hitler was assassinated before he rose to power?

History would have been very different if Hitler had been assassinated before he rose to power, however, we cannot know exactly how things would have worked out. There certainly were other dangerous people in Germany who might have risen to power instead. Perhaps Stalin would have conquered Europe instead of Hitler. It's impossible to say.

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you have countries such as Slovakia and Bulgaria, but if they had governments that Hitler did not approve of or were uncooperative, then they would have been taken over.

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The Russians defeated the Germans with the blessings of Ol' Man Winter and the follies of Adolph Hitler. The Germans were frozen, starving, dying from the cold and lack of food and supplies. At the end of the Stalingrad Battle a bunch of simple grenades did the trick. Many Germans were taken prisoner as they surrendered in defeat. Adolph Hitler can be blamed for the demise of the German forces failing. He refused to let them quit and he would not send more supplies.

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The Downfall of the third Reich was a foregone conclusion. The fact is that unless Hitler brought Russia down it would definitely only be a mater of time before he lost the war. So He tried in desperation to beat the Russians the Russian winter ended up being of great assistance to the Russians by destroying Hitlers forces. If Hitler had not headed for Russia the Russians would have come after him so there was not a great deal of choice in the matter for Hitler. It was a catch 22 situation, (you are damned if you do and you are definitely damned if you don't).

Why did Hitler kill himself and order Eva Braun to take poison?

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At this late date, any answer to this question is purely speculative. However, had Hitler not committed suicide, he most surely would have been captured by the Russians, taken to Russia, been tried as a war criminal, and eventually been executed in Russia.

What was the worlds Jewish population before Hitler came to power?

Approximately eight million more than after the Holocaust. The Russians committed genocide of the Jews as well. ___ Can you tell us when and where the Russians committed genocide against the Jews? It would make your answer more plausible.

What direction would the course of the war have taken if the Allies had failed on D-Day?

The Soviets (Russians) may have beat the western allies into Berlin.

What difference did victory or defeat mean in d-day?

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How would the u.s be like if Hitler wount killed himself?

It is difficult to predict with certainty, but it is likely that the US and the world would have faced continued aggression from Nazi Germany. The outcome of World War II could have been different, potentially resulting in a longer conflict and more devastating consequences. The impact on the US would have depended on the success of Nazi Germany's military strategies and the ability of the US and its allies to counteract them.