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yes adderol is an anphemitime rittilin is not

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Q: If I'm on probation can you take Ritalin as a substitute for adderall?
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Can you take an adderall and have it show up as Ritalin in a drug test?

No, Adderall (TM) is a brand name for a mix of different amphetamines. Amphetamines are part of most standard drug tests while Ritalin (TM), which is the brand name for the drug methylphenidate, is not part of most standard drug tests. So if you take an Adderall, you will test positive for amphetamines, and they would likely suspect you for methamphetamine use.

If you have a Ritalin prescription and you are on probation can they give you a dirty urine for that and put you in jail even though it is ordered by a dr to take the medicine?

As long as you take the prescription to your Probation officer then no they cannot lock you up for it. But if you do not tell them or take it to them and you test dirty they will arrest you until they can figure out why you tested dirty.

Can you take cipralex with Ritalin?

Can you take cipralex with ritalin?

Have to take vicodin for a surgery should you stop adderall?

No, you should be fine as far as I know there's no major reaction between the two. I am prescribed ritalin for adhd and sometimes take pain pills with it and never had a problem but I only take 10mg ritalin with one or two vicodin. As long as you stick to the prescribed dose of each you will be fine.

Ritalin vs Adderall xr?

Adderall XR delivers the amphetamines into your system at different times through out the day. for example taking 30mg of XR would give you 15 when you take it and 15 about 4 hours later. Adderall IR (instant release) delivers the entire pill at one time, minutes after taking.

How long will it take to get adderall out of your system if taken 1 a day 20mg to pass a probation drug test all suggestions precautions and methods welcome because college is hard but easy on Adder?

It may take up to seven days to get Adderall out of your system if taken on a regular basis.

Ritalin How long does it take till it works as it should Is it a 1st day equals results thing or it may take 1 to 3 weeks 2work type thing I am prescribed 10mg 2xday Took my 1st 10mg pill 2 hours ago?

don't know about ritalin, but adderall is instant (well 30 minutes).

What happens if i take Ritalin and don't have adhd?

You will get the same effects as someone with ADD/ADHD. It is a stimulant and will most likely give you a euphoria, focus, motivation etc... Adderall is way better BTW.

Does Lexapro last for more than 6 hours?

Lexapro isn't a hourly drug, you take it for weeks before it really kicks in. Its not like Adderall or Ritalin that wear off after a few hours.

Can taking 2 Adderall for the first time help you take a test?

I would not advise it, especially if you've never taken it before. You can't be sure how it will affect you. You might become manic and hyperactive, which could make it harder to take the test. I've taken Adderall or Ritalin in college, when I needed to write an entire paper in a night or something. And it works very well for that purpose. But taking it for a test is different. Adderall and Ritalin can help you stay focused and alert when you have a lot of academic work to do in a limited amount of time. Most people can't concentrate long enough to write an entire paper in a night. Adderall/Ritalin will keep you focused and driven, so you can keep working for hours and hours straight. But a test only takes one or two hours to complete. So it's not necessary to take something that will help keep you working for hours and hours. To do well on a test, you just need to be able to remember what you've learned. And Adderall/Ritalin won't help you with that. It can help you study for the test, by keeping you alert and focused so you can study for hours and hours. But it won't help you remember what you've learned while you're taking the test. Also, it usually helps to be relaxed when you take a test, and you won't feel relaxed if you take Adderall. It could make you nervous, jumpy and irritable.

What contains amphetamines?

The most popular 4 would have to be: Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse. I will warn you that these are meant for people that have been diagnosed with A.D.D / A.D.H.D. However, such a diagnoses (physically or mentally) does not exist. Anyways, I'm sure you've heard of what it can do to you so all I would say is be careful. Also, don't take more than 200mg of Adderall, Ritalin, Concerta, Vyvanse at a time because the side-effects or the overdose is terrible.

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