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yes, it will go to the democratic party. that is no grounds for anyone to call you a democrat, if that is your example.

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Q: If I am independent and I vote democrat will my vote go to the Democratic Party?
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What is a Donkey Vote?

a democratic vote. a democrat is a type of political party in the united states. a donkey represents democrat and an elephant represents republican. I must disagree with this first answer. A Donkey Vote is not a democratic vote or a vote for a democrat in America. It is when a person votes for the candidate that is the first one listed on the ballot.

When you are registered to vote and you do not choose a party delegation you are considered independent. True or false?

You have to register as independent, democratic, or republican. You can't leave the party affiliation blank. If you want to register a third party you can too, but without a democratic or republican registration you can't vote in the primaries.

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Yes; party registration has no relationship to how you vote in a general election. In a general election, you can vote for whoever you want, no matter what your party registration.

Who did Reagan vote for President in 1932?

He voted for Democrat Franklin Roosevelt. He was a Democrat in his early years. He was say that he did not leave the Democratic Party, but the Democrats left him.

Can you vote for republication president in primary if registered democrat in state of California?

No. You can't cross party lines. You will get the ballot in the party you are registered. If you are independent or Green Party you don't get to vote in the primary.

What is an political independent?

A political independent is a person who is not affiliated with an organized political party. I am a registered voter but my Voter Registration Card lists my Party as "NPA" (No Party Affiliation). In my state, if I registered as a Democrat or Republican, I could vote in the party primaries for my stated party. Because I am an Independent, I cannot vote in primaries but I can vote in general elections and on referendums and non-partisan races.

Do you have to be a registered democrat to vote in the Indiana democratic primary?

No, you don't have to be a registered democrat to vote in the primary.

A republican party member cannot vote in a primary election for a democratic candidate?

Virginia does not have party registration. In Virginia a person can vote in one primary, republican or democrat, but not both. So a republican can vote in the democratic primary. Should you chose the democrat you most agree with or the one you think has the greatest chance of loosing to the republican is up to you.

Do you have to be a Democrat to vote for a Democratic Presidential candidate?

No, absolutly not.

What is a person called who does not identify with or regularly support a particular political party?

cannot vote in a closed Republican primary.

What is political independence?

A political independent is a person who is not affiliated with an organized political party. I am a registered voter but my Voter Registration Card lists my Party as "NPA" (No Party Affiliation). In my state, if I registered as a Democrat or Republican, I could vote in the party primaries for my stated party. Because I am an Independent, I cannot vote in primaries but I can vote in general elections and on referendums and non-partisan races.

What does it mean to be a registered democrat?

In the United States, you do not need to declare yourself a member of any political party in order to vote for president; but in primary elections, it is necessary in many states to choose one party and register as a member. You will then be given the ballot that has the candidates from your party-- in this case, the Democratic party ballot.