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No, you are not safely protected. You need to complete the series.

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Q: If You received one vaccine injection for the hepatitis B series are you safely protected?
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Is hepatitis c vaccine requires on shot only?

There is no vaccine for hepatitis C.

Can you give hepatitis b vaccine to someone with hepatitis B?

There is no harm or benefit from giving hepatitis B vaccine to someone with hepatitis B.

When hepatitis virus has no vaccine to prevent the disease?

Hepatitis C and hepatitis E have no vaccine to prevent the disease. Although there is no vaccine to prevent hepatitis D, you can only get this type if you're also infected with type B. Therefore, hepatitis B vaccine indirectly prevents hepatitis D.

What diseases were people suffering from without the Hepatitis B vaccine?

Since Hepatitis B vaccine only protects against Hepatitis B, the only thing the vaccine controls is Hepatitis B infections.

If a patient received the first dose of hepatitis B vaccine but did not return for the remaining doses in the series under what circumstances should the hepatitis B vaccine series be restarted?

The series should not be restarted; resume the series where it was interrupted.

What does no evidence of immunity mean in a blood test for hepatitis b?

It means that the patient has not been exposed to hepatitis B (ie is not and has not ever been infected with it) and that the patient has not received a vaccine against hepatitis b.

Is there a vaccine for all hepatitis?

There is currently no vaccine available against Hepatitis C. There is research going on to develop one but it will take years at least before one is developed.

Is the hepatis b vaccine effective after you have hepatis b?

Once you have had Hepatitis B there is no need for a Hepatitis B vaccine. The vaccine is only effective for those who have not had the disease, it is used to prevent a hepatitis B infection.

What is hepatitis's vaccine name?

For Hepatitis A, it is usually just called "The Hepatitis A vaccine" but is marketed under the brand names Havrix and Vaqta. Hepatitis B is marketed under the brand name Comvax. There isn't a vaccine for Hepatitis C.

Is there side effect to receive 3 doses of hepatitis A?

It is unlikely. Hepatitis A vaccine is a two-dose series.

How is Hepatitis B prevented?

There's a Hepatitis B vaccine that can prevent it.

How do you prevent hepatitis B?

There is a vaccine for it.