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He should get an eye checkup. 13 is quite young to be getting floaters. So a checkup would be a good idea.

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Q: If a 13 year old has Eye Floaters what should he do?
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Not usually unless it is in their genes. If their parents have eye floaters, it is most likely that this would happen.

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Immediately check in with your eye doctor.

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The most common cause of floaters and flashes in the eye occur as people age. The gel may begin shrinking and causing strands inside of the eye that appear to be floaters. A less common cause of floaters could possibly be a retinal detachment.

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No from 18 or 22 years old.

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While your history is something you should go over with your eye doctor, most of the time painless black dots are often called floaters. You should be checked by your eye doctor if these dots have come on recently, or have gotten worse. Your eye doctor will evaluate if it is indeed just a floater or if it is something worse like a retinal detachment (that is very serious and needs immediate action)!

What is black spot in the eye?

Usually this is referred to as a floater. The medical term in Posterior Vitreous Detachment or PVD for short. This is different from a retinal detachment. PVD is when the vitreous jelly separates from the retinal wall causing visual distortion in the form of floaters or flashes of light. These pesky floaters usually subside or you just become adjusted to them. If you were ever to see Large floaters, a shower of floaters, Curtains coming down in your vision, spiderweb looking floaters or flashes of light like someone is taking your photo, this is considered a ocular emergency and you should be seen by a ophthalmologist immediately. I would still have a dilated exam with a ophthalmologist just to be on the safe side. Hope this helped.

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This is an indication of an infection in your dog's eye - if it doesn't resolve in a couple of days you should take him to the vet.

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He should see a Opthlamologist. If he needs glasses he should see the other one :)

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The eyesight for a 5 year old should be about 20/30. However, the vision accuracy may vary depending on other developmental factors if the kid.

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Could be that she is rubbing the eye, or it could be that the antibiotic in your eye drops are not correct for killing the bacteria. You should immediately go to the doctor and ask if the 5 year old doesn't need a different kind of eye drops. These things can very quickly lead to infections inside the eye, which can lead to blindness.

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How often should I get an eye exam?

According to the Dental Association a child should get their first eye exam when they are 6 months old, 3 years old and when they start school. After that children should have an eye exam every 2 years unless there is a risk factor (such as family history of eye disease). Adults should get an eye exam every two years if they are ages 18 to 60. If the adult has risk factors or wears contact lenses they should get an exam every year (or more if required by the doctor). Adults who wear glasses or are over the age of 60 should get their exams annually. Eye exams should be done once a year. If you have some other eye problem the doctor may recommend you do an exam more frequently.