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well--first deworm, check the teeth , if all is good take a look at the environment (fly season, cold, hot weather, new horses on site ect) all good take the temp and call the vet

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Q: If a Belgian horse that is losing weight when trying to get his weight up why is he losing weight?
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Related questions

How much weight can a Belgian horse PULL?

They can weigh from 1,000 to 3,000 pounds.

What is the maximum weight a Belgian horse can pull?

A team of two Belgian horses can pull between 14,000 and 17,000 lbs.

What is the purpose of the Belgian horse?

The modern Belgian draft horse is used as a hitch (parade type) horse. The old style Belgian Brabant is a heavy draft horse.

Where did Belgian horses originate?

The Belgian horse or Belgian draft horse, also known as Belgian Heavy Horse, Brabançon, or Brabant, is a draft horse breed from the Brabant region of modern Belgium. There it is called the Cheval de trait belge or Flemish.

What are somebelgium horse breeds?

Belgian Warmblood Belgian Draft Horse The two obvious ones.

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Horse Isle Answer : Belgian

Which horse is a draft breed?

Belgian, Breton, Clydesdale, Percheron, Shire Horse Isle: Belgian :DD

How much does a belgian draft horse eat?

Well this would depend on the horses weight. A horse should be fed 1 % up to 3% of it's body weight. Since a Belgian typically weighs between 1800 and 2200 pounds that means the horse could be fed anything from 18 pounds to 66 pounds of feed. With a draft horse it's best to try and start at about 2.5% of the body weight in feed and then adjust up or down from there as needed.

What is the weight of the largest draft horse bred?

At the latest count, Big Jake, a Belgian, tops the scale at 2.600 pounds.

What is the average weight of a male belgian horse?

6 foot 71/2 inches... a Belgian named Radar weighing just over 2400 lbs.

What is a Belgian horse?

it is a type of Draft horse. They are very big.

How many pounds of grain does a horse needs daily?

Depends on the weight of the horse, the age of the horse, how hard the horse is working, the type of grain, and how well they keep their weight on just hay. The nutritional value of the hay your horse is being fed can also affect how much grain your horse needs. If you are trying to put weight on, the horse generally needs more grain. If you're trying to reduce the weight of your horse, they generally need less or none at all. If a horse is not being worked at all, they do not need grain unless they cannot keep weight on with out it.