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Q: If a Scientific experiment driven by your own curiosity is your research invalid?
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What would make a experiment invalid?

If you did the experiment wrong

What is the scientific name of ramapithecus?

The scientific name of Ramapithecus is now considered invalid. It was originally classified as a hominin species, but subsequent research and reclassification have led scientists to view it as more closely related to the orangutan lineage.

What are some things that make an experiment invalid?

Inaccurate data entry.

What are some things that might make an experiment invalid?

Inaccurate data entry.

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Why is validity important in science experiments?

It is important because if the experiment or experimenter is not a very trustworthy person then that often also makes the information he gets from an experiment invalid.

A science researcher is reviewing another scientist's experiment and conclusion the reviewer would most likely consider the experiment invalid if?

it contains conclusions not explained by the evidence given

A science researcher is reviewing another scientists experiment and conclusion. the reviewer would most likely consider the experiment invalid if?

it contains conclusions not explained by the evidence given

Why is eating and drinking banned from the laboratory?

Eating and drinking are usually banned in laboratories to prevent contamination of samples and equipment. Food and beverages can introduce unwanted particles, microorganisms, or chemicals into the lab environment, which could interfere with experiments and compromise results. Additionally, spilled food or drink can create safety hazards, such as slippery floors or electrical damage.

Is australia's antarctica the coldest place in the world?

Antarctica's Vostok station is the record holder for the coldest temperature on earth. Vostok is a Russian scientific station. Australia claims a pie-shaped slice of Antarctica, which is an invalid claim based on the Antarctic Treaty. Vostok Station -- a Russian research station, is located in this slice of Antarctica.

When was .invalid created?

.invalid was created in 1999.

What part of speech is invalid?

The word invalid is an adjective. It describes something that is not valid.