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a black hole is onlya colapsed nuetron star, not a rip in the universe you idiot. im only twelve and i know that. havent you heard of wikipedia, or Google, or i mean seriously.

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Q: If a black hole rips the very fabric of the universe then why did'nt the big bang rip it as well Or did it?
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If the big bang did rip the universe why are'nt we being sucked in it like a black hole does?

Because it didn't rip the universe, obviously. The theory of black holes state that as a star collapses in on it's self all of it's matter is around the size of a baseball, all of the stars mass into that small of space rip's the very fabric of the universe forming a black hole. My question was if a black hole can rip the very fabric of the universe and it's only the mass of the star host then why did'nt the big bang if everything we have ever known or seen was the size of a baseball? Well, technically, the big bang has infinate mass, and since there was nothing really to compare it to, it was the size of everything, and nothing. If the big bang was a black hole, and if it ripped the universe, then the universe would have imploded upon itself before it was even created.

What would happen if there was no blackhole?

If there is no black hole, then no Universe, we will not be exist. That's why there is a Big Bang. The Universe started off with a Big Bang from a black hole. Though if you want to know what happens before our Universe, then you need to study 'String Theory' and the 'M theory'.

Can your universe just be at the end of a black hole and can the big bang just be the birth of that black hole?

Actually one interpretation of the big bang is as a white hole, the inverse of a black hole.

What effect does the big bang currently have on the universe?

I think the big bang caused the black hole which pulls everything in including light.

Did stars older than the universe create a black hole that resulted in the big bang?

It is a possibility that the Universe resulted from a black hole, and that black holes in our own Universe result in new universes. But all this is extremely speculative.

Did space time energy preexist the BIG BANG?

Both space and time were created by the expansion of the universe following the Big Bang. Before the Big Bang, there was no space or time. Now we have space and time, and we call the fabric in which the universe exists spacetime.

How long does it take light to travel from the epicenter of the Big Bang to the farthest reaches of the universe?

Good question. Did the universe exist before the big bang, or did the big bang create the universe and the very fabric of space and time itself? The entire CONCEPT of the "Big Bang" is still a matter of dispute, with arguments about what may have happened early in the history of the universe. Our understanding of the primordial basics of high-energy physics is still somewhat fluid and subject to revision. Best guess: There probably was no "there" for light to expand in before the Big Bang. We believe that the Big Bang occurred approximately 14 billion years ago, although the number fluctuates by a billion years either way. One major question; did the fabric of the universe expand at super-luminal speeds, or did it expand at the speed of light? And was the speed of light different then? We cannot say for certain.

Was the Big Bang caused by a universe-sized black hole?

Theoretically yes. String theory and M theory says that when the two universe collide together or split into two universes, that is when Big Bang occurs. However there is no evidence that Parallel universe exists.

Could a black dwarf star be the nothing that started the big bang?

No, this doesn't seem a very likely explanation of the Big Bang. A black dwarf has way to little mass to account for the entire Universe.

What does the Big Bang theory tell us about the universe?

The Big Bang Theory tells what happen at the begning of the universe. How the Earth comes into the universe

What is a result of the big bang?

The big bang began the expansion of spacetime with great rapidity. The Universe began with the Big Bang. In other words both space and time began at the big bang. The big bang started the Universe from the point t=0.

How did the universe bigen?