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Getting it off SHOULD have been part of the deal when you paid it off. that's when you had the most leverage with the lender who put it on there. Now.... contact an attorney buy your chances are slim. The repo was a fact, not an error that can be corrected. Good Luck

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Q: If a car was repossessed and the loan was immediately paid off how do you get the repossession off of your credit report?
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Related questions

How can a car repossession be on your credit report when your car was not repossessed?

By mistake. Waste no time contacting the credit reporting companies, and demand that this entry be removed from your credit report.

If you get a repossessed car back is it removed from your credit?

No. Your credit report is a record of all transactions on reported accounts. The repossession will show in the history, but so will the redemption.

Can you remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgment on the repossession?

No you cannot remove a repossession off your credit report if your cosigner has a judgement on the repossession.

Can you break a lease on a car?

It is possible but not advisable to break a lease on a car. The car would be repossessed, and the repossession would go on your credit report.

Can you get it off my credit report immediately for a reposseion last year?

If the repossession contains unverifiable, incorrect, incomplete, or misleading information, the account may be deleted from your credit report.

If your car is repossessed but you get current within say two weeks of repossession does the repossession appear on your credit report?

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Can you be sued over the balance of a vehicle that has been voluntarily repossessed over three years ago when the repossession is on your credit report?

yes it has a 10 year limit

How does car repossesion affect credit score?

A repossession can drastically hurt your credit score. The repossessed account may report late payments (30, 60, 90 days late), a pad due balance, and a charge-off. A repossession can lower your credit score anywhere from 30 to 200 points depending on the other accounts reporting on your credit report.

Can a credit report show settlement then repossession on the same vehicle?

A credit report is a record of all transations on a reported account. In the life of a vehicle loan, many things can happen. Over the typical four to five years, the vehicle may have been repossessed and then redeemed and paid off. In these cases, yes, repossession and settlement can show on the same vehicle, on the same credit report.

If your car is repossessed how does getting it back help your credit?

It won't help much unless you can sweet-talk the lender and convince him to remove the repossession from the credit report. Otherwise, the repossession stays on the record and the only 'improvement' to your credit rating would be the lack of an accompanying past due status.

What will a repossession do to your credit report?

A repossession is a serious negative and will drop your scores.

Need to get a reepo off my credit report?

i need to get a repossession off my credit report