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Basically the same penalties as using a real gun. In 2006, two boys (Ages 13 and 16) were charged with first-degree assault charges (this carries a maximum sentence of 25 years in prison.) The gun they were using was actually only a toy gun, not even a BB gun. I've provided the link to this particular story in the "Related links" section.

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Q: If a minor attempted robbery with BB gun what could the penalties be?
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Depends on the circumstance of the case and how severe was the crime.

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Always seek such advice from qualified and licensed legal practitioners. I would expect the answer could vary widely from one state to another.

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Depends on the penal code where it happened. Could be assault, assault and battery, battery, attempted manslaughter, attempted murder, simple assault, aggravated assault, assualt against a minor, etc..

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expulsion as i know from experiencee

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These are types of penalties, but often used in lieu of the word penalty: minor, double minor, major, coincidental, misconduct, PIM (penalties in minutes), plus all the specific infractions that will cause a penalty such as tripping, hooking, etc...

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You could be charged with "Making a False Report to Law Enforcement." You would have to check further to determine what the penalties for that might be in your particular state.

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Most penalties are minor, giving the player two minutes in the penalty box. A major penalty is five minutes long and reserved for infractions like 'fighting'.

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Tattooing a minor without parental consent is a class B misdemeanor in Texas, so the criminal punishment would not exceed a 180-day jail term and/or a $2000 fine. However, the license of a tattoo shop involved with such activities could certainly be administratively rescinded.

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Depends on the situation. If the minor is knowingly let into the bar and served alcohol and the bar doesn't have the proper licenses, then YES the bar can be sued. If the minor is let into the bar and the bar does have proper licenses, then the bar will be fined and most likely their license will be suspended or taken away. If the minor got into the bar using a fake ID that was not theirs, the ID will be taken away and the minor could face more penalties.

Can you file complaint against someone for attempted kidnapping of minor?

Yes you can and you should file this complaint with the police department.