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Yes, if the husband is absent from the household (the State will pursue him for medical support) or is present but net income from business plus other household income is less than the Medicaid standard for that State.

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Q: If a pregnant woman is married to a business owner can she qualify for Medicaid?
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How much money can you have to qualify for medicaid in Florida?

I am 19, married, not pregnant, and our total income for 2013 was $4235. Do I qualify for medicaid?

Can you qualify for Medicaid if you are pregnant and living with your parents and their insurance does not cover maternity?

The only way to answer that is by calling Medicaid and asking them if you qualify.

Does an illegal who is married to a US citizen pregnant and in process of receiving permanent papers qualify for Medicaid or other assistance?

Call the local social services office and ask them.

What if you had insurance when you found out you were pregnant then lost your insurance can you qualify for medicaid?

You can get Medicaid when pregnant if you meet the eligibility requirements - principally, citizenship and limited income/assets. Medicaid can be backdated up to three months prior to the month of your application.You can get Medicaid even if you have insurance; however, your provider(s) must bill your insurance first, prior to billing Medicaid.

Do you have to be a Florida resident to qualify for Florida medicaid?


Do you qualify for medicaid if you have 2 children from previous marriage?

You might qualify as the parent of dependent children.

If you receive medicaid and medicare disability at the same time do you have to pay for it?

If your income exceeds the Medicaid standard in your State, you will have to "spend down" the excess to qualify for Medicaid.

If you qualify for medicaid will you get back money taken out of medicare before qualification?

You are not required to pay back Medicaid or Medicare.

Can my kids qualify for aflac if they have Medicaid?

Sure, if they meet AFLAC's requirements. Having private insurance is not a bar to receiving Medicaid.

Are people with diabetes eligible for Medicaid in Texas?

Diabetes is not considered disabling in itself and, therefore, would not qualify one for Medicaid.

Do resident aliens qualify for Medicaid?

In limited cases, yes. Generally, no.

What is a Medicaid application?

A Medicaid application is an application for government assisted health insurance. To qualify for this you must fill out the application form and submit it.