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Yes. The DMV of the state the vehicle is registered in will need to be notified to include both individuals and addresses as registered owners of the vehicle, and the insurance will need her new address, as well as which address the vehicle will be stored at.

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Q: If a wife changes her drivers license to another state from her husband's can she still be listed on the original vehicle registration and insurance with her husband?
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Can you be insured in one state and registered in another?

Yes, you can be, but you need to have insurance and registration in the state you reside.

If you move to NY from another state and switched your insurance do you need to immediately switch your registration or can you wait until you are an official resident?

You can wait.

Can a car be registered and insured in one state to be driven in another?

Registration and insurance in any state will allow you to operate the vehicle in every state, but if you are actually living in another state, you must get insurance, registration, and a driver's license in your state of residence. The only exception I know of is that a member of the armed services may keep all of these from his state of "permanent residence" while stationed in another.

Is it possible to renew vehicle registration with the texas online website?

It is possible to renew your vehicle registration with the Texas online website. You have to live within certain counties though to do it and you have to have a credit card and your insurance card in front of you when you renew your registration online.

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What is you have an accident and realized that your registration had expired what will happen in Massachusetts?

It's not that serious an offense. Typically a charge worded similar to "Failure to DIsplay Current Registration" or something similar to that. Your insurance card was valid...RIGHT? If not, that is another, different charge.

If you move to another state in what order do you get a new driver's license auto insurance and auto registration?

The best option for obtaining accurate information is to contact the local DMV office, or the online site which contains all information concerning registration, insurance, driver license, etc. Michigan Secretary of State,

Do you have to have the same address as what says on your license to get insurance?

You need to use the address on your registration, not license. Whether the address on your license has to be the one on your registration is another question. I believe you are allowed to list one address as your "primary residence" and another as a "secondary." However, if you've moved away from that address (as opposed to perhaps having gone away from school, leaving parents behind there), it's fraud to continue using that address for insurance.

Do you have thirty days to transfer plates from one car to another car?

You have twenty days to transfer plates from one car to another car. If the original vehicle was not disposed, a new registration card is required before using the plate. The car the plate is being transferred to must have a current inspection sticker, and you must have liability insurance and the name on your license and the title must match.

If you join a different martial arts club while training at another is the original club informed by the insurance company?

Why would the insurance company care? They don't, each club has its own insurance and it is paid for through your dues.

Who pays if you hit your husbands car in your driveway Home owners or auto insurance?

Without a doubt the auto insurance. Homeowner's insurance never covers a private passenger automobile, ever! But read your auto policy. Bet it says damage caused to one family vehicle by another is NOT covered. In other words, YOU PAY!

What is the another name of registration document?
