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most probably, because it is said that television can influence the human mind

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Q: If all the fast food ads were banned and changed into health food ads would obesity rates and so on decrease?
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Related questions

What could be done to improve the health of people in this country?

Obesity is the number one health problem in this country. If we ate right the percentage of dieing people/ unhealthy would decrease a lot.

How have the cause of health problems changed from the past today?

A major health problem associated with today's lifestyle is obesity. Fast food and snacks has become a staple to Americans.

Why is obesity dangerous to health?

Obesity is dangerous to health because it increases the risk of developing various health conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, stroke, and certain types of cancer. Excess body weight can also lead to high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and sleep apnea, all of which have serious implications for overall health and well-being. Additionally, obesity can contribute to joint problems, such as osteoarthritis, and can have a negative impact on mental health.

Public health officials believe that the current levels of obesity among children and adults in the US can be attributed to what?

decrease physical activity and increased consumption of high calorie convenience food

What health consequences is most likely to result from an inactive lifestyle?


Should fizzy drinks be banned from school?

Fizzy drinks should be limited rather than completely banned in schools. They can be high in sugar and calories, contributing to health issues such as obesity and tooth decay. Offering healthier alternatives like water, milk, or 100% fruit juice can help promote better choices for students' health.

Is obesity a health issue?

Heck Yeah!!!!

Why is obesity a bad thing?

Obesity is a bad thing because it can cause many health problems.

Why do people find obesity unnatractive?

Probably because obesity is often linked to poor health.

The world health organization has equated the impact of obesity on public health to?


Why is obesity a problem?

It can lead to disaproval and health issues.

What are the internal factors of obesity?

Do you mean the health risks