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The uniform is one of the methods of Scouting, but it is not mandatory. This should be discussed with the unit leadership.

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Q: If an Amish child joined the Boy Scouts would he be allowed to not wear the uniform?
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Do the Amish have television?

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Can Amish have swimming pools?

Yes most Amish are allowed to have swiming pools.

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Yes. Almost all Amish people are allowed to visit doctors.

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Yes, there are youtube videos of them doing it

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Can the Amish leave their community?

Yes, Amish can leave their community if they choose but they are usually shunned from the community.Amish can also be excommunicated from their community if they disobey certain rules. Amish teens are allowed a "Rumspringa", which is a period in which they are allowed to experience the ways of outsiders without any punishment. After this period they must choose to be baptized and become an adult member of the community or leave the church.

Examples of subculture?

A subculture is part of the dominant culture but has its own values and folkways. An example would be snake handlers of the Appalachia, the Amish, boy scouts, and alcoholics anonymous.

What does the word shunned means?

a. being shunned means being punished by the amish community surrounding the certain person who became shunned by the person who works inn the commmunity church. b. you have broken a rule in the amish law and you are not allowed to be spoken to and are not allowed to eat with others.

Can anyone become Amish and live in an Amish society?

No, not anyone can become Amish and live in an Amish society. The Amish are a closely knit religious and cultural community that values their traditional way of life. They typically only accept individuals who have been born into the Amish faith or who have married into it.

Can an Amish man perform outside weddings?

Amish men and women can leave their community when the reach adulthood (usually 18) if they choose to do so. They will leave the community and most often not be allowed back, even to visit. however, more than 85% choose to stay Amish