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Q: If an organism is it carries the eggs inside its body until after they hatch?
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What happens after the female seahorse lays her eggs?

The female seahorse deposits her eggs in a pouch at the male seahorse's abdomen. He then carries them until they hatch.

How doeas it hatch from a egg?

The baby grows inside of the egg. If you are talking about chickens, they peck the inside of the egg until it cracks enough for them to climb out.

A function of an egg shell?

To protect the embryo inside it until it is fully grown and can hatch its own way out der

How do anacondas produce young?

By a process called ovoviviparity. The mother keeps the eggs inside of her body until they hatch.

How does a duck know if there a duckling inside the egg?

They don't, they just sit on their eggs until they hatch. Ducks will still try to care for the eggs that do not hatch, eventually they will give up.

Do seahorses carry their babies in a pouch?

Not really. Seahorse females deposit their eggs into a male's pouch, who carries them until they hatch. But once hatched, the babies are outta there.

Is eggs a living thing?

Are eggs** and eggs are pretty much like a woman's womb, technically the organism is living, but they are not sentient until after they hatch

Where does the fertilisation in cockroach take place?

A cockroach actually has eggs inside of them until the eggs are ready to hatch. Once the eggs are ready to hatch, the mother pushes them out so it is like a live birth.

Can you hatch an old duck egg?

No. You can not hatch an old duck egg. It must be continually kept warm and turned over from the time it is laid until it hatches. Once the duckling inside dies, it can not be revived.

Why do rollie pollies live under ground?

Rollie Pollies live under ground because that is where they mate and that is where their babies are born. The female carries the eggs on the underside of her body until they hatch.

How do tarantulas raise their young?

Tarantulas raise their young by protecting the eggs before they are born. They weave a web to hide them. The mother then carries them around and feeds them until they are ready to eat solid foods.

Do boa constrictor give live birth or eggs?

Boas give live birth. They hold their eggs inside them until they hatch, and then give birth.