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Sometimes. It depends on the ancestrial origin of the parents. For example, if the mother of the mother had blue eyes, the baby may be prone to adopt blue eyes.

None of the parents, as far back as can be traced, could display the blue-eyed trait and the child still have blue eyes, since it's recessive. It is all genetics, since blue eyes are the recessive trait, they may have been passed down from generation to generation, and just not paired with another recessive gene. The odds are slim, but it's possible. Basically, it depends on the parents alleles. If either are homozygous dominant, the eyes will definantly be brown. If they are both heterozygous, then the eyes may be blue, but they may also be brown. There's a 25% chance in that case for blue eyes.

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Q: If both parents have brown eyes will there child get brown eyes to?
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If both parents have brown eyes what color will the child have?

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If a child has blue eyes and both her parents have brown eyes what does that tell you about the trait for blue eyes?

That the trait for blue eyes was recessive in both parents.

How come both of a child's parents have brown eyes but the child can has blue eyes?

Your wife had an affair; simple.

Can both parents have blue eyes and have a brown eyed baby?

No... Brown eyes are an dominating gene. If none off the parents have brown eyes none of them have the brown eye gene to give the child.

Can a child have blue eyes if both parents eyes are brown and green?

Yes, if the parents carry the gene for green eyes as a recessive gene.

Can a child get brown eyes if parents' eyes are hazel?

a child with parents eyes that are blue and grey are more likely to get blue eyes. But it is not impossible that a child with those parents cant get brown eyes. My parents have brown and blue eyes and i got grey. It isn't impossible but quite rare.

If a child has blue eyes and both parents have brown eyess what does that tell you about the trait?

The gene for blue eyes is recessive.

What color eyes will the child have father has brown eyes mother has brown eyes?

Sort of. Your eye color is controlled by your genes, and your genes come from your parents BUT for instance; both brown eyed parents could carry a recesive blue gene and both could have passed it on to the child ... yes, the color came from the parents, but neither parent seems to have it.

Can both brown eyed parents have 2 brown eye children and one child with green eyes?

It really depends on genetics down the parents line. Brown pigmentation on the eyes is a dominant allele on the gene and where 2 brown eyed parents reproduce, there is a high chance that all children will have brown eyes. However, if both parents carry a gene for blue eyes, which is recessive, there is a chance that both genes will meet and create off spring with blue eyes. This is known in laymans terms as a 'throw back', i.e. some one on either genetic line has had blue eyes. So yes, it is possible for parents with brown eyes to have 2 children with blue eyes and one with brown.

What eye color will be the child's eye color if the mom is green and the dads eye color is blue?

The green eye and the blue eye are the same gene, so is black and brown. The child's eyes would have to be green or blue because both parents onlt have blue genes. If both parents have brown eyes there is still a chance the child's eyes could come out blue, but only if one of the parents have a hidden blue gene. But is both parents have blue eyes this means all their genes are blue and the child will 100% have blue eyes.

Both parents are black father has green and brown eyes mother has dark brown eyes will the baby have dad eyes?

possibly....its a recessive gene but if its your first child its probably gonna have the dads eyes.

Can two brown eyes parents produce a blue eyes child?

I don't think two brown eyed parents produce a blue eyed child, but a brown eyed parent and a blue eyed parent can produce a child with blue eyes. Brown eyes are not always dominate.Two brown-eyed parents CAN produce a blue-eyed child if BOTH carry the recessive gene for blue eyes. Recessive means it can hide, but is still present and ready to be carried on to a future generation. Brown eyes ARE dominant. If you carry the gene for brown eyes, your eyes are brown. This does not mean you can't also carry the recessive gene for blue/green eyes.