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Q: If custodial parent has sons taken into Foster care in NYC will you as their mother be given a chance to get them?
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Does a non-custodial mother have to pay child support to the father?

Yes, if the father is the custodial parent. It works just the same as when the mother is the custodial parent. The non-custodial pay child support based on their income and other factors.

How come a father has to automatically pay for child support and a mother may not if the father is the custodial parent?

A custodial parent may have to pay child support if his income is significantly higher than that of the non-custodial parent based on the non-custodial parent's "parenting time" percentage.

What is a 6 letter for nurture?

foster, parent, mother

Mother is primary physical custodial parent and the father is asking the court to co parent but he is lying about where he lives?


What is a 6 letter word for nurture?

foster, parent, mother

If the dad has custody but child lives with mom can mom file for support?

No. If the mother has full custody, the father must pay child support to the mother who is supporting the child. Put simply, the non-custodial parent pays child support to the parent who does have custody.If the custodial parent makes significantly more than the non-custodial parent, the court will not order the non-custodial parent to pay the custodial parent. There are formulas for each state and county that the courts follow. There are also circumstances that do not follow typical guidlines.

Does a non custodial parent have rights to custody when the non custodial parent is in arrears in child support in the sum of 17000 dollars?

You have the same chance you had before. Child support and custody are 2 different cases in court.

What does mother's mean?

A mother in law.Stepmother. Adoptive mother Foster mother female parent to be the mother of A woman who gives birth to a child

Is custodial parent liable for for child who won't listen to custodial parent and runs to noncustodial parent?

for what?

Is non custodial parent legally bound to tell custodial parent where the child is?

Yes! Why would you want to keep that from the "custodial parent" anyway?

Custodial parent denies Noncustodial parent visitation rights in Mississippi?

Unless visitation rights for the non-custodial parent were allowed in the divorce paperwork, the custodial parent is completely within their rights to deny the non-custodial parent visitation....however, the non-custodial parent may sue for visitation rights.

Can the custodial parent deny visitation to the non custodial parent in Washington?

No. The non-custodial parent needs to have the visitation rights enforced by the court if necessary.