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So sorry you are dealing with this. If you truly cannot tolerate ANYTHING, then it's off to the ER because you are dehydrated and that's dangerous to you and baby. If you cannot tolerate some foods, here are some hints: 1. Keep in mind that this is temporary. It feels like forever though. 2. If cooking smells set you off, then don't you cook and don't let anyone cook in your house. Get take out food instead. 3. It's best not to get empty. Eat a nibble here and a nibble there. You already know about eating saltines, I'm guessing, but don't forget protein as you'll feel terrible without it. 4. If your vitamins make you ill, then try taking them at a different time of day. Or, switch to a children's chewable vitamin. Or, skip them altogether. If you skip them, try to make sure you are getting vitamins. One way is with fortified cereal. 5. Try sea-bands. They are wrist bands for seasickness but pregnant ladies sometimes find relief for them. They are at the drugstore. 6. I read once where this one lady only got relief from the smell of fresh flowers so her husband bought a bouquet every day on the way home from work. When she felt queasy, she smelled the flowers and it helped. Sounds odd, but for $5 you can see if it helps. 7. Avoid tight clothes. Some ladies try to hide the pregnancy for a while, but hiding often means wearing clothes that are getting tight. Don't do that! Also, avoid hot clothes. Feeling warm can make you feel sick. 8. Ask your doctor about Fenergan (did I spell that right?) and also B-6. Some ladies take B-6 with half of a Unisom tablet. I don't know how often though. Ask your doctor or surf the web. 9. Go with your cravings. If the only thing you want is Cocoa Puffs, well, that's better than nothing. 10. And, avoid your aversions. If beef sounds gross, then stay away from it. 11. Keep snacks by your bed (and a water bottle too) so you can always have a bite if you need it. 12. Try to get enough sleep. 13. Try a new toothpaste if yours now seems gross. Some ladies have to use children's toothpaste because they no longer like their minty one. And, other ladies use baking soda. Or just plain water. 14. If you feel sick from salivating too much, chew gum. 15. Make sure you have enough liquids getting in as being dehydrated can make you feel so much worse. Drink whatever you want (no alcohol and limit your caffeine) to and also eat snacks like watermelon and popsicles if you want. 16. If drinking at meals bloats you, try drinking between meals instead. Hang in there. So sorry you are dealing with this. If you truly cannot tolerate ANYTHING, then it's off to the ER because you are dehydrated and that's dangerous to you and baby. If you cannot tolerate some foods, here are some hints: 1. Keep in mind that this is temporary. It feels like forever though. 2. If cooking smells set you off, then don't you cook and don't let anyone cook in your house. Get take out food instead. 3. It's best not to get empty. Eat a nibble here and a nibble there. You already know about eating saltines, I'm guessing, but don't forget protein as you'll feel terrible without it. 4. If your vitamins make you ill, then try taking them at a different time of day. Or, switch to a children's chewable vitamin. Or, skip them altogether. If you skip them, try to make sure you are getting vitamins. One way is with fortified cereal. 5. Try sea-bands. They are wrist bands for seasickness but pregnant ladies sometimes find relief for them. They are at the drugstore. 6. I read once where this one lady only got relief from the smell of fresh flowers so her husband bought a bouquet every day on the way home from work. When she felt queasy, she smelled the flowers and it helped. Sounds odd, but for $5 you can see if it helps. 7. Avoid tight clothes. Some ladies try to hide the pregnancy for a while, but hiding often means wearing clothes that are getting tight. Don't do that! Also, avoid hot clothes. Feeling warm can make you feel sick. 8. Ask your doctor about Fenergan (did I spell that right?) and also B-6. Some ladies take B-6 with half of a Unisom tablet. I don't know how often though. Ask your doctor or surf the web. 9. Go with your cravings. If the only thing you want is Cocoa Puffs, well, that's better than nothing. 10. And, avoid your aversions. If beef sounds gross, then stay away from it. 11. Keep snacks by your bed (and a water bottle too) so you can always have a bite if you need it. 12. Try to get enough sleep. 13. Try a new toothpaste if yours now seems gross. Some ladies have to use children's toothpaste because they no longer like their minty one. And, other ladies use baking soda. Or just plain water. 14. If you feel sick from salivating too much, chew gum. 15. Make sure you have enough liquids getting in as being dehydrated can make you feel so much worse. Drink whatever you want (no alcohol and limit your caffeine) to and also eat snacks like watermelon and popsicles if you want. 16. If drinking at meals bloats you, try drinking between meals instead. Hang in there.

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Q: If experiencing nausea and vomiting an unable to tolerate food due to pregnancy what can be done to help?
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