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They can! I'm not sure if they can do it right away, but in Canada you get a blood donor card a few weeks later with your blood type and rh factor.

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Q: If i go to give blood can they tell me what blood type I am?
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How do I find out what type blood I have?

You can go to your family doctor and he can give you a blood test to determine your blood type. There are also at home tests you can buy. And if you go to donate blood they will tell you your blood type.

Where can I go to find out what my blood type is?

You can go to your doctors office to have your blood type analyzed. They will give you a prescription to have your blood drawn. You can also visit your local blood bank.

Are there any special websites that could give me options for diets for Type A blood?

There are many websites that give options on Type A blood. I found that the website of Dr. Peter D'Adamo and The Blood Type diet the best. It has numerous diets for numerous blood types. If you go to the type A blood section, the website will tell you information on type A blood that includes history, unique information on type A, what speccific things that are good for people with type A blood (i.e. relieving stress and excercises),and healthy diets for the type A blood system. The websites list that organic foods are great for people with type A blood. Take a look at

Can I Give Blood With My Type Of Blood?

You can buy a kit on It is a lot less exspensive to just ask your doctor to do it. When you go to donate blood they will see what type you are then.

What happens if same blood type combines?

This happens sometimes in blood transfusions. There are certain types of blood that can be given to another type without going into shock. O blood type can be give to anyone... but if your O, you can only receive O. If a blood type is B and you give them A or AB, they can go into shock and possibly die.

Must you go to a doctor's office/ hospital to find out you blood type?

In order to accurately determine blood type, blood must be drawn from the donor. This means that only a doctor or assistant can accurately tell a donor what blood type they have.

How can I find out what blood type I have?

You can go to your doctors office to have your blood type analyzed if it is important to you. The doctor will give you a prescription to have your blood drawn by someone with the correct certifications. You can also visit your local blood bank and they may be able to inform you of your blood type.

How can I check my blood type?

Go to a hospital, or a local clinic and you could request that they test your blood type. Another way to find out your blood type would be to find a blood drive and actually donate blood. Most blood drives would give you an option to get your information about your blood, including you blood type.

How does one go about finding out what their blood type is?

If you volunteer to give blood with the American Red Cross they will send you a card with your blood type and its totally free. Best of all you are saving a life by giving blood.

Where can a person obtain a blood type chart?

You can go to a blood bank or a blood mobile to get a blood type chart next time you give blood. You can also print one online from many blood bank information sites.

How can I tell what my blood type is?

Go to your doctor and request a blood test, tell them you want to know your blood type, a phlebotomist will take your blood in a series of vials, then a few days later you will get a letter in the male or you will go back into the doctors and they will tell you your blood type.

How do i find out my blood type?

You can visit a doctor and ask for your blood type. They will take a sample and the confirm it to be what ever it will be. Your blood type helps others if you plan on donating blood to others.