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Anorexics control their body weight by voluntarily going through starvation, vomiting, purging and excessive exercise. Also controlled by diuretic pills.

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Q: If not eating doesn't necessarily cause weight loss fast how come anorexics are so skinny?
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Related questions

What is the characteristics of anorexics?

they are really skinny and sometimes pale from not eating enough.

Do fat people make more poop than skinny people?

No, not necessarily. It depends entirely on the individual and their eating habits, not on body weight.

Can skinny jeans cause anything?

Skinny jeans are known to cause yeast infections for girls and women because of their tightness. That doesnt necessarily mean you will get one, but I did right after I started wearing them. But, then again, yeast infections are treatable.

How do you over come weight loss?

You can look at eating techniques and ways you can gainweight. love yourself for who you are, fat and skinny it doesnt matter. hope this helps! :)

Is it easier to lose weight if you are overweight?

not necessarily. you can be skinny and be used to doing exercises and eating healthy, but normally if a over weight person is on a diet they are not used to dieting

What do people with anorexia do to stay skinny?

Anorexics do not eat and they excessively exercise. This is a very dangerous - and potentially deadly - method of weight loss.

Bulimics differ from anorexia in that bulimics binge and purge?

NoSome anorexics do binge and purge, but only tiny amounts and more consistently than bulimics.There are two main differences between anorexics and bulimics -Anorexics lose a significant amount of weight, and usually have an extremely low and unhealthy BMI. This disorder is characterised by excessive weight loss and a fear of putting on weight and getting fat. They are proud of their diets and how controlled they are regarding food.Bulimics on the other hand are not necessarily skinny; some are quite overweight, and others are in the normal weight range. They are ashamed by their purging activities and feel like their eating is uncontrollable.Both are equally dangerous disorders causing serious medical and psychological problems, and need to be treated by a physician or psychologist or psychiatrist

Does Justin Bieber want a skinny girlfriend?

Justin doesnt care if u are fat or skinny. he doesnt judge u by how u look he judges u by how u act.

How do you get skinny with out exercising?

Eating healthy food

How can a skinny person get fat?

There are many ways a skinny person can get fat. One of them is eating too much junk food or not eating fresh fruits or vegetables

Is it okay to be skinny?

Depends if it is natural or you have a problem with eating.

Is it okay to be really skinny?

Depends if it is natural or you have a problem with eating.