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Q: If people complain about traffic jams all the time on freeways then why do people stop to look at accidents on the opposite side of the highway or freeway?
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What is the plural form of the word freeway?

The plural of freeway is freeways.

How can a freeway have traffic?

Usually during rush hours, freeways become really congested. Especially the I-10 freeway and the I-405 freeways become extremely packed.

What is the difference between a freeway and a expressway?

Turnpikes have tolls and freeways dont.

Are collisions on freeways mainly caused by improper merging?

No. The leading cause of freeway collisions is following too closely.

What is the origin of the word 'freeway'?

As opposed to a "tollway" on which the user is charged for using the highway, freeways do not charge a fee for use.

The number one cause of accidents on freeway?


If a tract of land borders a freeway does that mean the property has legal access?

Since freeways are usually roads with limited access, land bordering a freeway does not necessarilly have access rights to that roadway.

What freeway insurances are availiable?

There is no difference between freeway insurance and any other type of auto insurance. Once you are covered by your regular car insurance, it covers all roads, even freeways.

What is the main freeway in Hawaii?

On the Island of Oahu, there are 3 freeways- the H1, H2, and the newest, H3. HI is probably the busiest. H3 is the prettiest.

How many seconds ahead do you look on the freeway?

Drivers should look 12 to 15 seconds ahead of their vehicle on city streets and ______ seconds ahead on freeways

What is the impact rating of freeway guardrails?

The average guardrail located on the freeways of America can take a hit of about 90 miles an hour. This can be an issue that can cause some severe issues that will not help you.

What state has more interstate freeways and interstate traffic per mile?

Texas is the state with the most interstate freeway miles. The state with the most interstate traffic congestion is California.