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Q: If remove ram from my computer will the viruses on it go away forever?
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Will computer viruses go away if you leave your computer off?

never, the best thing you can do is remove it. Try this program "Spybot"

How can i stop myself from being addicted to computer games?

Sell your computer and run away forever

Does lunapic have viruses?

yes, lunapic has viruses it gave me a worm that has turned into a virus stay away from it it's dangerous and can harm your computer.

Do computer viruses go away if you leave your computer off?

No! if you leave your computer off it wont spread around your computer but if you leave your computer on and for get about it it will seriously damage your computer and it will cost a lot to repair your computer

How are computer viruses similar to and different from biological viruses?

Computer viruses and biological viruses are similar in that they both replicate and spread, often causing harm to the system they infect. However, computer viruses are created by humans to infiltrate electronic devices, while biological viruses are naturally occurring and infect living organisms. Additionally, computer viruses can be removed by antivirus software, whereas there is no definite cure for biological viruses.

What does do to your computer?

Stay away from youranidiot, i made the mistake of going there myself, that website can give you loads of viruses and trojans, stay away from it if possible.

What protection do adware blockers provide for a computer?

Adware blocker provides protection for your computer in many ways. It keeps ads containing viruses away from your computer. It keeps all the annoying ads that pop up all over away.

What do computer viruses look like?

Computer viruses are simply computer programs, so they don't really have any physical appearance. You could say that they look like a long string of ones and zeros, or that they look like code. Some viruses may appear on your computer screen disguised as a game or other program - these viruses are called Trojans.

Is it required to have both antivirus and antispyware on a personal computer?

it is not required but it is recommended if you want to keep your laptop safe and keep viruses away.

How can you get trigger dick with out imvu remove it?

Black market, buy it, then you have it forever, they take it away, but you put it right back.

Why do some viruses go away and then return?

Viruses spread through the air. When you get them the sleep you get helps the virus go away.

Do computer viruses go away after removal?

if you use any type of virus remover. most luckily the virus will go away. You should mostly use norton antivirus or norton internet procetion or security