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well, yes, if they have no papers it doesn't matter if they have 10 kids and 15 grandkids and a us citizen spouse. you can get deported. the chances of getting caught are so slim now though, but yes. deportation is possible.

I married an illigel from Mexico, i went to the court house applied for the marriage app, filled it out and it didn't ask for him or my ss#, he never went to the court house and we got the marriage lic. we got married 3 days later at the courthouse.

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yes they should

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Q: If someone has been in the U.S. illegally for four years is it possible they would be deported if they married a U.S. citizen?
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Can a woman married to a citizen but living with another man get deported?

Yes, because you are abusing the laws of America

Is it legal to be deported from a country where you are married to a citizen of said country?

It is until you have registered as a married citizen in America.

Can you get deported if your visa expired but you are married to a citizen with kids?

Yes, you can.

Can my husband become a legal alien even though he was deported twice while entering country illegally about 10 years ago. We are married and have 2 kids together. I'm a US citizen?

It may be possible, but it can take a while. He will have to apply for a visa from his own country.

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Once you are officially married to an American citizen, you can not be deported from the country, unless you engage in a criminal offense.

You are a us citizen married to a Mexican citizen who was deported How can he get a visitor visa?

Probably a ten-year wait if at all.

Will an illegal alien married to a us citizen be deported for driving under the influence?

Very possible. Being married to a US citizen has nothing to do with it if you haven't applied for citizenship. Driving under the influence has a lesser of a penalty than driving while intoxicated. Never the less, it is still a crime. If you do get deported, you will not be allowed back into the country and if you re-enter illegally, you will be convicted of felony re-entry after deportation and will spend time in a Federal prison. Another problem is how where you driving if you are illegal? Illegals can not legally possess a driver's license.

Can an illegal immigrant who have a child with an EU citizen be granted right to remain in UK?

its possible,depends on the ff 1.if you are married to the eu citizen?! then you can 2. if youre not married you'll be deported,your child at the age of 18 has the right to choose which country he/she wants to settle in

Can illegal alien married to US citizen be deported for possession marijuana?

Of course! Being married does not affect one's legal status, even a legal alien can be deported for criminal activity.

How should a US citizen who does not work married to an illegal immigrant who works illegally help him get a green card?

the US citizen shouldn't

What happens if you are in the us and you lose your visa?

That is illegal and if you are caught you could be deported. Also, if you entered US illegally, you can not obtain US Green Card according to the current immigration law, even if you married a US Citizen.

If you are an illegal alien from Canada and have lived in the US since age 4 and you're 23 now and married to a US citizen and have a child with her can you become legal without being deported?

It is a rule stating that if you are married to an US citizen then you will be considered an legal citizen.