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Not necessarily. But past violent behavior presages and reliably predict future violent conduct.

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Q: If someone likes and owns gory slasher movies and thinks violence is 'great' should they be avoided at all costs?
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What is the meaning of discomfortingly gratuitous even by slasher standards?

You seem to be talking about violence. By ordinary polite standards of behavior, violence is abhorrent and causes discomfort not just to the victim but to onlookers. A slasher movie is one that uses violence because some people seem to enjoy watching it. So you're talking about a different standard than polite society calls for. Gratuitous violence is the sort that is shown just for its own sake, not because (for example) it's a war movie and war is inevitably violent. So if you have a slasher movie, you're going to have gratuitous violence. If there's even more unnecessary violence than the low standard of slasher movies calls for, you'd describe it in the words that you quoted in your question.

Should pre-teens to watch slasher movies?

This is a decision for the parents.

How can you get slasher movies off your mind?

The best way i've come across is just to watch comedy movies(:

What 80's slasher movie took place in a high school and the killer would breathe real heavy it was a spoof on slasher movies?

Student Bodies

What is sadistic violence in movies?

Sadistic behavior is when someone inflicts pain on others because they enjoy it

What is the difference between violence and romance movies?

The difference is very clear from the question itself. Violence movies are action movies including violence actions. romance movies are movies including romantic stories and love actions.

Slasher movies with the most deaths?

Jason Goes To Hell Jason X Halloween 3

What genre would most likely include homocides?

Slasher Flicks and movies about serial killers

Why are slasher movies rated r?

they are rated r becuase they contain cussing stabbing gore and some nudity

Why was Scream the movie made?

Scream helped breathe new life into the classic slasher movie. Scream is not just a slasher movie, but a parody/spoof of slasher movies. It makes fun of all the old cliches that bad horror movies -- especially bad slasher movies -- employ.In other words, the movie was intended to be a celebration of, or an homage to, classic slasher movies like Halloween, Friday the 13th, and A Nightmare on Elm Street (A Nightmare on Elm Street, in fact, was written and directed by the same guy who wrote and directed Scream: Wes Craven).As well as a celebration of/homage to the classic slasher movie, Scream also gently and lovingly made fun of slasher movies.Thus, Scream not only caused horror fans to take a renewed interest in slasher movies, but also prompted the makers of such movies to stop being lazy and employing all the tired old cliches, and move onto fresh new ground.Scream was released in 1996, during a sort of low point in horror. Nothing new was really happening with horror movies at the time. The next exciting new trend -- movies filmed with hand-held, home movie cameras, to get that realistic look -- was not to come for a few more years. The Blair Witch Project(which was the first film to be made in that realistic style, as well as the first horror film that claimed to be totally real footage) did not come out until 1999.So, at the time, Scream was a refreshing change from a rather boring period in horror. It revived the slasher genre, which had been suffering greatly from lack of imagination and reliance on predictable cliches. It got people interested in slasher movies again, and it brought much-needed criticism to the horror genre, which forced horror movie makers to come up with fresh, new ideas.

Is Friday The 13th A horror or a terror?

the adjectives horror and terror are synonyms, meaning they both mean the same thing, with terror being higher than horror on the fear scale. usually when refering to a movie that evokes terror the correct description would be horror movie not terror movie. there are different kinds of horror movies called subgenres, like splatter horror, slasher horror, torture horror... splatter is often confused with slasher but slasher movies usually depict a psychopathic serial killer hunting and killing teens. a splatter is a movie that focuses heavily on violence blood and gore. torture is self explanatory, like hostel, feardotcom... so Friday the 13th is a splasher horror film.

Use the word inure in a sentence?

Many claim that watching violent movies and playing games filled with violence will inure a child to violence and its consequences. To inure someone is to cause a hardening of feelings or emotions to a set of circumstances.