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First of all, the civil war was not fought over slavery. The Northern slaves were freed first because it took longer for King Lincoln's army to beat down the confederacy. The slaves in the south weren't freed until reconstruction.

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Q: If the Civil War was over slavery why wasn't the northern slaves freed first?
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When did the slavery exist?

slavery has been around for centuries the first recorded slaves were during roman times 500 BC. slavery was abolished in 1807 in England and in 1865 in America after the civil war.

What was the goal of the North in Civil War?

The goal of the North was at first to bring the Southern states back into the Union. later on Lincoln said in the Emancipation Proclamation that he would free all Southern slaves if the Union won the war

What effects did the civil war have on slaves being freed?

The Civil War was fought between the North (who wanted to abolish slavery) and the South (who wanted to keep slavery). President Lincoln's first goal was to preserve the Union, but eventually decided to work to free the slaves. He passed the Emancipation Proclamation which was supposed to free the slaves. However, the loopholes in the document actually freed no slaves. After the Civil War, the Reconstruction Era began. New laws were passed to give rights to slaves. The first one, the 13th amendment, officially freed the slaves from all types of servitude. There were about 4 million slaves freed in total.

How did african slaves resist slavery?

African slaves resisted slavery in various ways, including through rebellion, escape, feigning illness or incompetence, breaking tools or working slowly, practicing their culture and religion in secret, and forming communities for support and mutual assistance. These acts of resistance demonstrated their resilience and determination to maintain their humanity and fight against their dehumanizing treatment.

What were the two goals of the south in the civil war?

The Confederacy's first goal during the Civil War was to gain independence from the northern states. The second goal was to establish a government that was free from what they deemed as northern oppression, and would not attempt to end slavery.

Why was there slavery in the north and not the south?

Because people in the north were more racist. Also because that is were slaves where brought first and not to the southAnother View: Although not as great in number, actually there were many slaves held in the northern states.

What was the first disagreement of the civil war?


Where did the slaves run away to?

At first they just ran to northern states, but when that became unsafe, they ran to Canada. After the Fugitive Slave Act was passed in 1850, the slaves had to run all the way up to Canada. The Fugitive Slave Act allowed slave catchers to recapture slaves even in the free northern states. It also allowed fines to be passed to people who helped refugees. One of the reasons that the Civil War was started in 1861 was because of the Fugitive Slave Act, passed by Congress and signed by President Fillmore in 1850. When the Emancipation Proclamation was passed in 1863, granting all slaves their freedom, the Civil War was halfway finished, so the slaves weren't safe to leave and have their freedom because of the War. The Civil War was finished in 1865, and the Northern states won. By 1870, most slavery was abolished in the United States of America.

How was slavery in Massachusetts different from slavery in the southern?

In Massachusetts, slavery was less prevalent than in the southern states and the economy relied less on enslaved labor. Slaves in Massachusetts were more likely to work in households or on small farms, while in the South slavery was central to large-scale plantation agriculture. Massachusetts gradually abolished slavery starting in the late 18th century, while slavery persisted in the South until the Civil War.

Why did Northerners go to war in the Civil War?

The North was not forced to pass conscription laws until 1863. Prior to that, Northern states recruited volunteers based on the idea that the Union should remain united. As news of bloody battles and high casualties were reported, there were fewer volunteers than when the war first began. For the most part, Northern volunteers did not go to war to free slaves. Most had no likening for slavery, however, they did not, as a whole fight to end slavery. Most soldiers lived in states without slavery, therefore the slavery issue was not vital to them.

Where did slavery start in the US?

Slavery in the US started in Jamestown in 1619 when the first Africans arrived as slaves.

What was the first thing that cause the civil war?
