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To my knowledge brown antifreeze is a sign of a blown head gasket. If its been in there a while (years with alot of mileage) this is the sand that has broken away left over from casting the engine block. if its this bad YOU REALLY NEED TO FLUSH THE SYSTEM! Its mud and rust litterally.

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Q: If the antifreeze looks like chocolate milk what can that be a sign of?
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The mixture looks like chocolate milk.

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White chocolate looks exactly like milk chocolate except it is white.

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It looks like any other square of milk or dark chocolate.

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i like dark chocolate best :)but i like milk chocolate ;J

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All the alcoholics do not drink chocolate milk. But most of them like the chocolate milk. So they drink chocolate milk, specially in front of kids like you.

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Yes he does because he loves milk and milk is in chocolate!

Why does chocolate milk taste like chocolate?

Because they put chocolate in it. ( LIKE CHOCOLATE SAUCE & TOPPING )

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i like chocolate milk i like chocolate milk

Why is chocolate milk a homogeneous mixture?

Homogenious means that it looks the same throughout ...& once is the same. The top looks the same as the bottom( remember you must stir it first).

Why is milk chocolate more popular than dark chocolate?

Because many people do not like dark chocolate's intense flavor as it is more bitter than milk chocolate. Milk chocolate is sweeter.

What are the materials for chocolate milk?

To make chocolate milk you need chocolate and milk. If you have a liquid chocolate like Hershey's or Nesquik you can just poor the chocolate into the milk and mix. If all you have is solid chocolate, you will need to heat up the milk (slowly!) and mix in the chocolateuntil it's all mixed in. Then you can either drink it hot (hot chocolate or wait for it to cool (chocolate milk).

What is the most favorite chocolate?

Milk chocolate is the favorite of most people.