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Only Indiana and Texas has laws setting out a specific age at which a child can make a choice the court is requiredto abide by, and even than there are some limitations. With those states, it is age 14. In all other states, the general rule of thumb is that a 12 year old can express and opinion, however the judge is under not legal obligation to consider, or even hear it. In either case, a motion to the court must be filed for a determination to be made. However, the child should be informed that there are alternatives to choosing to live with just one parent. The child should also be advised they can express a choice that they remain in one home and each parent can live with them for a designated period of time, than switch. This is called Bird Nest Custody.

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Q: If the child wants to live with his father can the mother refuse and put that child with someone other than the parent?
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If the father have no court order for visitation she can refuse.

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Ask him to do a DNA test and if he refuse you get a court order for one.

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The short answer is "yes". If a custody agreement has not been set and lawyers are not involved then the mother does not have to let anyone see her child. However, if the father's name is on the birth certificate, he may have the same rights. In some states, the father listed on the birth certificate (especially if the couple were married) has as much right to "protect" his child as the mother, meaning he can keep the child away from the mother until the court arranges custody.

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Yes. The father has no right to go to a personal doctors appointment.

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He can refuse to see the child; he cannot refuse to support the child.

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In general, parental rights are terminated either preparatory to an adoption, or after a trial in which it is determined that the parent is unfit. In any case, termination of parental rights does not, in itself, terminate child support.

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This depends on the situation. I advise contacting a lawyer.

Can a father refuse custody of his kids?

Yes he can. The court will award full custody to the mother or to a legal guardian if necessary. However, the father will be required to pay child support.

Can a father get full custody for his son if sister of mother has temporary custody?

Asbsolutely ! It depends on the circumstances of the parents. The court will decide which parent is in the best position to provide on-going care for a child. They will, however, usually order 'visitation rights' to the parent not granted custody. The custodial parent has no right to defy the court order without authority from the judge. So, for example, say the father was awarded custody, and the court ordered that the child is stay with the mother every second weekend... The father couldn't refuse the child staying wiht the mother for the time granted without going back to court.

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Yes, unless he has been to court and has a order of visitation.

Can a parent refuse to take care of children while the other parent works?

You'd be a terrible parent if you did

Can a non-biological father refuse to allow a paternity test happen in the state of Louisiana?

The assumption here is that a husband, in the process of a divorce, has filed for custody and the mother is countering it by claiming that he is not the father. She can do this.