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It will if you are asking about conditional formatting.

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Q: If the condition is true does Excel apply the formatting?
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What is true about Excel checker?

Excel Checker is an Excel add-on that can find every occurrence of cells containing Data Validation or Conditional formatting and list them out on a separate sheet.

When a cell has conditional formatting and the condition is false the cell is formatted?

It takes on the default or previously set formatting, which could be defined by another condition. A format can be set if a condition is true and if it is false.

Can the condition of a cell only be true using excel 2007?

No. The condition of a cell can be either true or false.

True or False Excel interprets a cell containing the information on June 10 2011 as date and not as text?

That would depend on the formatting applied to that cell.

What is a condition in a Excel document?

A condition is something you test in order to decide on an action. A classic example is checking an exam mark to see if it is a pass or a fail. The condition is whether the exam mark is greater than or equal to the pass mark. The outcome of checking a condition is either True or False. Conditions are used for logical functions and also in Conditional Formatting. See the related questions below.

What condition requires that only one of the selected criteria be true for a record to be displayed in Excel?

It is when you are using an OR condition, which in Excel can be implemented through an OR function, or in an Advanced Filter by listing the criteria on different rows.

How many parts to an IF statement in Excel?

There are 3 parts. They are the condition, the action if the condition is true and the action if the value is false.=IF(Condition, True Action, False Action)=IF(A2>=40%,"Pass","Fail")See the related question at the link below.

How do you use multiple IFs in Excel?

It really depends on what it is you are trying to do. If you have a combined set of multiple conditions, using IF functions may work. IF functions may be nested, meaning that another IF function could form part of the True or False values. As an overall example, if in the cell B3 you had a value which must be multiplied by 10 if it is over 100 or else multiplied by 5 if greater than 50 or by 3 if less than or equal to 50, we will then as part of the False one IF value have to evaluate if B3 is over 50 or not, having already discovered that it is less than 100. The function will include a nested IF function as its False value which must include the same 3 component parts as any IF function: =IF(B3>100, B3*10, IF(B3>50, B3*5, B3*3) ) Our Condition and True values are the same as a normal IF, but our False value is itself an IF function having a Condition, True and False values. Note that we also have 2 brackets at the end to close the 2 IF functions. The final bracket corresponds to the opening of the first IF. When using multiple IF functions you will always have one less IF than the amount of conditions. In the example given we had 3 possible categories, but the formula only required 2 IF functions. Every IF eliminates one possibility. When the second last possibility has been eliminated, as there is only 1 remaining possibility left, it does not need a further IF function to test if it is True. The final possibility never needs to be tested for. In our example we had 3 possibilities. If our value is not over 100 and not over 50 then it must be less than 50, so we do not need to check for that possibility. IF functions may be nested quite deeply at times and require careful thought at all times. It is easy to make a mistake, so they should be thoroughly tested. It is not a good idea to nest too many IF functions. In some cases, using another method might be more appropriate, such as using VLOOKUP. It really depends on what it is that you are trying to achieve, so each case is different.

How many parameters are possible using the IF function in Excel?

The IF function has 3 parameters. The condition, the true part and the false part.

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When the condition is a question that can be answered true or false Excel calls this?

An IF function can be used to do this. It is one of the Logical functions. Others include AND, OR, NOT, FALSE, TRUE and XOR. Using the IF function, we sometimes talk about What-if.

Do you have a choice of indenting paragraphs or using block formatting?
