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offer it water and take it to the vet!!

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Q: If the dog swallowed something and is acting weird and vomiting what should I do?
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What can you do for your dog that is vomiting and losing weight and wont eat or drink?

You should take your dog to the vet right away. Our dog was doing that and we found out she had swallowed something and it was lodged in her intestines. She had to have it surgically removed.

Your puppy swallowed your earring and has been vomiting?

you should take it to the vets if that doesn;t help ask the vet to helpppp you desperatly

How should chewable antihelminthic drugs be taken?

These tablets should not be chewed or kept in the mouth, but should swallowed whole because their bitter taste may cause gagging or vomiting.

Your neighbor is acting suspiciousshould you be worried?

If your neighbor is acting suspicious like something is up you should be worried!

What should you do if you drink hydrogen peroxide and vomiating?

Depends on how much you drank. Vomiting is your body's way of getting the peroxide out. Keep vomiting, you should feel better. If after half an hour or so you still feel I'll, seek medical attention. If a child swallowed peroxide, don't take any chances, get to the er.

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you should do it on something you enjoy like dancing singing acting etc.

What might be wrong if you have lots of urination and vomiting?

There could be many things wrong, You should see a doctor if you are vomiting. It might be a simple infection or it could be something more serious.

Your lab swallowed a beef bone and he is vomiting bubbly bile. What should you do?

Contact a Vet immediately. It is possibly because the bone is stuck in the dogs stomach unable to be digested or vomit'd. So it is better to get him medical care ASAP.

Why do people induce vomiting?

Inducing vomiting is indicated if the person has recently swallowed a toxin ( so it is still in the stomach) that is not caustic. You should not induce vomiting of the person is impaired to the point where they may aspirate (get the fluid down the lungs) or the material ingested is caustic (bleach, lye, petroleum products and others). The best bet is always to call poison control and get instructions: 1-800-222-1222 .

Should you take your cat to the vet if he's vomiting and acting lethargic?

probably when it start experiencing weird things

Should you exercise after vomiting?

No ! I made that mistake , you should not exercise after vomiting as it causes nausea and stomach cramps.

Should the drug be swallowed?

No drugs should be swallowed, even if contained. If the containment breaks down in the body system, the consequences could be fatal.